I THIRST by Rev. Chinedu Ubani


Have you ever wondered why the Holy Bible began with Water Motif and also ended with it? (Gen 1:2, “and the earth was without form and void;and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" And Rev 22:1, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb). This is to show us the importance of water both in the Physical and spiritual circle. And we can see this depicted in all areas such as creation of things,The Holy Spirit related with water, the Healing Stream from the Altar of Ezekiel 47,the use of water to destroy the earth of Genesis 7, the use of water as a means of Movement to a new land of victory during the Passover of 14 and the expression of love, hunger and desire for a relationship between God and man expressed in the context of our reflection today. 

Permit me to say something about love which is connected with the subject matter. This is because everything God did for Us through Jesus Christ is an expression of Ultimate Love. (Jn 3:16, “For God so loved the World that He gave his only begotten Son.. "). Love according to St. Teresa of Avila does not consist in great sweetness of devotion but in fervent determination to strive to please God in all things, in avoiding as far as possible all that would offend God and in praying for the increase of the glory an honor of his Son and the growth of the Church. 

Until we know deep inside of us that Jesus thirst for us, we won't begin to know who He wants to be us or who He wants us to be for him. Our problem is that we are yet to realize that God loves Us, cherishes and treasures us. 


Thirst on the normal palace can be defined as a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for a liquid, a strong craving for potable fluid.  

I want to divide Thirst into Two Dimensions: Physical and Spiritual. 

Physical talks about the longing for water to fill the thirst which can be caused by Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, Sickness such as Anaemia, Diabetes, Diarrhoea and Hyperglycemia. 

Spiritual talks about the dryness we experience due to lack of water of life, the person of Jesus and The Holy Spirit in our lives. For the program ww have our main concern is on the Spiritual Thirst. 


I can say it is a strong desire for an intimacy or relationship with God. St. Augustine said,“Lord,you have made Us for yourself and our hearts shall not rest until they rest in you". This means we are not complete unless in Jesus. (Colosians 2:10).

Jesus met the Woman of Samaria at the well of Jacob and asked her for a drink. (Jn 4). In John 19:29, Jesus while He was hanging on the Cross cried out, “I THIRST "


God thirsts for Us. (Jn 19:29) 

We thirst for God. (Jn 7:37; Ps 42:1-2) 

St. Augustine speaking on this said, “Deus Sitit Sitiri" Meaning that God thirst to be thirsted for. Reality Therapy of Psychology has it that “the desire of every man is to love and be loved". This means that When Jesus said I Thirst, what he is saying is, I love you and I want you to love me, I want a relationship with you. But what do we do anytime this word comes to Us, we behave like the Soldiers that crucified Jesus who gave him Vinegar instead of water. Vinegar is a drink that has a sour taste. The concept of sour signifies something that is unpleasant, distasteful, decay, decomposed, unfriendly, uncaring, not giving pleasure, falling short of the standard, what started well but now has gone sour. This means we give Jesus our lives and hearts, family, business and whatever we have that is characterized by all the aforementioned qualities. 

The essence of Jesus coming to take our human form (Jn 1:14) is to take us from that level of deprivation to elevation. 


We see In this Lenten Period the longing of Jesus as he thirst for Us and is still thirsting. Rev 3:20 says, “I stand at the door of your heart, knocking, if you open the door, I will come in and dine with you so that the kind of Love my Father has for me, I will also love you the same way ". 

Jere 31:3, “ I have loved you with an everlasting Love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn Thee".Even when we are not giving him any attention because we seem to be busy with a lot of things, He is still thirsting for Us. Jesus desires a relationship with Us. Our Catechism said that God created Us to know Him, love him and serve him in this World so as to be happy with him in eternity". “To Know" here is like a relationship that exist between a man and wife, intimacy. God knows we are going through a lot of things, that is why He is knocking yo help us, because at this moment, we can't help ourselves. He is thirsting for you to carry that pains, heartbreak, difficulties. He wants to change and transform us to that person we have desired. 

One thing I want you to know is that Jesus knows all you are going through, the struggle over that addition, sin, weakness, your past mistakes and error and irrespective of that, He is still thirsting. He doesn't want us to be good before coming to him, but to come to him with those baggages, just as you are. (Remember the Song,.. JUST AS I AM WITHOUT ONE PLEA). Jesus thirsts to touch Us so that our innocence, what we have lost will be restored. He wants to give us strength for the journey just as he gave to Elijah. Many have been rejected, humiliated, disappointed, abandoned and despised, and we fill the emptiness with a lot of things. He thirsts to fill that emptiness, and he knows what you are going through right now. He is thirsting for you at the Tabernacle, in the Holy Eucharist, in His word, in the Community of Brethren and in your heart. You may be saying, but I have done this or that. Yes, that is why He is still on the Cross saying, I Thirst for You. 


Jn 7:37, “Come to me all you are thirsty and I will satisfy you and fill you ".We have different things we are thirsty for: to be cherished, loved and desired,even when people have treated us like outcasts,God is the only one that can fill those thiirst. In Isa 43:4, “You are Precious in my sight, I have made you honorable and loved you and will do anything for you even if I have to give up nations and men for your sake".

We thirst for mercy, healing of our brokenness, failure, shame and reproach, Jesus is on the Cross to heal Us. Every step he makes especially On the road to Calvary is for our Healing. He is at the Eucharist, telling you that “By My stripes, you are healed".(Isa 53:5). Do we thirst for divine providence, are you afraid of what the future will be for you,marriage,academics,exams,job? Jesus is telling you to come to him, He knows his plan for you to give you a future that you will be happy with. (Jere 29:11).

Are you tired of that sin that you are crying Can God forgive me? Yes, He is asking you to come. There is no sin to big that the Blood of Jesus cannot wipe away. (Isa 1:16-20). Are you always unhappy because you are not where you are to be either because you are not married, have been failing in all you do, things are not working out for you, people are disappointing you. That Jesus who is hanging on the Cross is still calling out for you to Come with that thirst. 

I will want to end with This quote from In Sinu Jesus... 

   “There is nothing that I will not do for those who approach me in the Sacrament of my Love. Look at me here I am vulnerable, exposed, hidden and yet entirely delivered over to you. The Eucharist is the invention of My Love and nothing surpasses it in all my works. The Eucharist is more than creation itself, it is the crown of my work of redemption in this world and a foretaste of the glory that I have prepared for those that who love me in the next. If souls understand what treasures of love are freely given to those who approach me in the Sacrament of My love, my Churches would be filled day and night and unable to contain the multitudes drawn to them".

Jesus has made himself available in the Holy Eucharist, In his Word and the prayers of the Church to quench our different Thirst. 

God bless you. 

Rev. Chinedu Ubani. 



Trust and commitment are two closely related concepts. They find their meanings most especially, when we talk about human beings either with their personal relationship with themselves, the divine or with one another. This flows from the idea that the human being is a social being; in other words a being unto others. From the above assumptions, it is safe and fitting to say that, trust and commitment are the bedrock of every truthful and meaningful relationship, be it personal, human or divine. Without them, there is no relationship in the right sense of the word. Trust is a choice we make and commitment is our acceptance of that choice. There cannot be commitment without trust neither can there be trust without commitment. There is always an obligation to trust and also a responsibility to be committed to the trust.

What is Trust, what is Commitment?

Trust is a belief that somebody or something is good, sincere, and honest and will not try to harm or trick. From its Hebrew root “Batah” it means a sense of well-being and security that results from having something or someone in whom to place confidence. It is a special kind of reliance and dependence like that of a baby to the mother. It is in this sense that the psalmist re-echoes that those who put their trust in the Lord will be delivered from enemies (Ps.22:4), will be given joy and gladness (16:9 and 33:21), will know perfect peace (Isa.26:3) and absence of fear. Trust is necessary for any genuine interaction. It is built on consistent truth and faithfulness. One can be unaware of a conflict, until ones sense of trust is gone. It is a feeling of belonging, which misunderstanding or a slight change in tone or mood can trigger its loss. Lastly it is a choice we make based on the skills we learn or unlearn. It is the heartbeat of every significant relationship with one’s self as well as with others. Sometimes we become aware of what it is when suddenly it disappears.



This is the ability of one to know his or her worth, what they want and how to go for it irrespective of how many times they have tried and failed. It is the self confidence that one possess what is necessary to actualize a goal. This type of trust is very important and forms the foundation for others. This is because, no one is willing to trust someone who does not trust in themselves. Sometimes our inability to trust isn’t because there are no trustworthy people around us but rather it is that we don’t trust ourselves. This lack of trust finds it foundation on the experiences we have accumulated.


This is the willingness to go forward despite the risk of failure or loss. It is this kind of trust that enables us to try again, love again and trust again.


This means simply relying on other’s honesty and commitment to keep their promises to you. This is where one applies the first two types of trust. One comes to know when to trust another, when one can trust and believe in their own feelings and have faith in the positive future.

Commitment on the other hand is a promise to sincerely do something, keep to an agreement or arrangement. It is gotten from the Latin Committere which means to “to unite, connect or to join”. In other words commitment is the ability to unite oneself to the trust or promises they have made. It is our response to the trust reposed in us. It is being intentional about continuing in a line of action. It is our acceptance of the choice we make or have made.


There are basically four types of commitment when it comes to human relationship.

Emotional Commitment

This is the type of commitment that stems from deep feelings, attachments, shared experiences and emotional investments. It is characterized by strong bonds formed between individuals based on trust, understanding and empathy. It lays the foundation for a lasting relationship and also serves as the glue that holds relationship together in trying and challenging times.

Moral Commitment

This revolves around adherence to ethical principles, personal values and a sense of duty. It is the ability to do what is right in the face of adversity. This is majorly seen in those who advocate for justice and social change.

Structural Commitment

This is centered on the obligations and responsibilities that arise from various social roles and contracts. It often emerges from external expectations and societal norms. One with a strong structural commitment, honors it even when faced with challenges or personal sacrifice. It is pivotal in creating stability in personal and professional spheres.

Time-Based Commitment

This involves dedicating ones time, energy and resources to achieving long term goals. It entails making consistent efforts, overcoming obstacles and persisting through setbacks.



This is fundamental because trusting and committing to someone takes time, patience and energy and there is no guarantee that all will be well or that one will not regret such adventure since it is one that involves the human being who is prone to change. So one needs that courage to take that bold step regardless of the many inhibitions that one encounters.


This is the ability to say what one means and mean what one says. To be trustworthy and committed, one has to say the truth always even when it is difficult and in the most polite way possible. Honesty also connotes a sense of transparency and openness. Lying means that one is not trustworthy or does not trust.sss

Effective Communication

This is important to building trust and staying committed in every meaningful relationship. It is the ability to state clearly without any equivocation or ambiguity what one expects, has committed to or have not committed to in a relationship. It gives room to understanding and growth.


Humility is a virtue. It is also the ability to admit mistakes, show that one is human and also seek ways to redress. No one wants to do anything with a perfectionist. Humility offers room for growth and enhances trust and commitment in an unimaginable way.


This is the ability to feel with the other, to place oneself in the others shoes, the heart to put an end to the misery of others. This attribute engenders trust and commitment.


This is the ability to stay true in good and bad times. It gives the idea of what to expect from one at any given time or situation. It erodes double-standard living and makes one reliable.


Sacrifice involves giving up something for the greater good. It requires a long-term focus to truly appreciate the effort. If one is forced to do things they want to do or need to do, then one is not clear on what they want.


This is the assurance that a person or group of individuals will deliver on what they have promised. It is also the ability to take charge and own up ones mistakes without looking for excuses. It encourages trust and engenders commitment.


It opens the heart to love. No one will love who they don’t trust and commit to.

It offers the ability to heal especially when one is coming from a place of betrayal or hurt.

It offers the opportunity to become a better person since one is not worried about the other

It leads to acceptance and erodes the need to justify everything one does.

It creates room for positivity rather than negativity which stems from insecurity and lack of trust.

It helps to create stronger bonds that can overcome obstacles and challenges.

It gives room for more opportunities and exposes one to more advantageous encounters.

It proves that one has attained the level of maturity

Conclusively, trust and commitment in their various forms shapes the way we engage with others, navigate responsibilities and pursue our aspirations. Self-Trust is the ability of one to know his or her worth, what they want and go for it irrespective of how many times they have tried and failed, Faith in the positive future is the willingness to go forward despite the risk of failure or loss, Trust in others means simply relying on other’s honesty and commitment to keep their promises. Emotional commitment fosters deep connection, moral commitment drives individuals to uphold their values, and structural commitment ensures the fulfillment of obligations and time-based commitment, propels progress towards long-term goals.

In trust we find our commitment and in commitment we prove our trust. Relationship become meaningful, genuine and wonderful when there is trust and trust become meaningful when we are committed to it. Through them we build a more meaningful and prosperous society that will engender peace and harmony for all. SHALLOM!!!

Advent and the role of prayer. By Okwara Casmir Ugochukwu.


The season of Advent in the Christian calendar anticipates the "coming of Christ" from three different perspectives: the physical nativity in Bethlehem, the reception of Christ in the heart of the believer, and the eschatological Second Coming.

According to Alexander, J. Neil (2013). the period of preparation for Christmas that is now called Advent began, though it was certainly in existence from about 480; the novelty introduced by the Council of Tours of 567 was to order monks to fast every day in the month of December until Christmas. Advent is seen as a time of penitence and a period of fasting, known also as St Martin's Lent or the Nativity Fast.( Bingham,J.,1726). 

According to Saint Gregory of Tours the celebration of Advent began in the fifth century when the Bishop Perpetuus directed that starting with the St. Martin's Day on 11 November until Christmas, one fasts three times per week; this is why Advent was sometimes also named "Lent of St. Martin". This practice remained limited to the diocese of Tours until the sixth century( Gregory, bishop of Tours , 1836)

When Pope Urban V ascended the papal seat in 1362, he imposed abstinence on the papal court but there was no mention of fasting. It was then customary in Rome to observe five weeks of Advent before Christmas. 

The liturgy of Advent remained unchanged until the Second Vatican Council introduced minor changes, differentiating the spirit of Lent from that of Advent, emphasising Advent as a season of hope for Christ's coming, now as a promise of his Second Coming. (Origines et raison de la liturgie catholique2012). 

Advent is a "continuous call to hope," says Pope Francis. It seems, then, that a key aim of this pre-Christmas season is to focus attention on hope's immense importance for everyone.

But why? Is hope a problem? Sure, it can be. Human hopes frequently get dashed, driven underground. When we set our aims and targets sometimes we don't reach or get to our desired point we feel bad and sometimes thinks that our hope in making progress or been successful can't be achieved. This season of advent tells us to keep our hopes high and as well work hard. How are we preparing to welcome our lord Jesus Christ, what changes have we made and getting ourselves ready hoping that when he comes tomorrow we will enter into the kingdom with Him. 

Prayer brings us in touch with God and others and is the way we can interact and relate with our God. Prayer is giving our attention to God in a two-way spiritual relationship where we talk to God and also listen to Him. Prayer is like a child’s conversation with their father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things they need, or to ask for advice or guidance. Basically, there are four types of prayer 

Prayer of Blessing and Adoration (praising God)

Prayer of Petition (asking for what we need, including forgiveness)

Prayer of Intercession (asking for what others need)

Prayer of Thanksgiving (for what God has given and done)

Whatever type of prayer we involve ourselves we should always pray in a quite environment in other to focus more and interact with our God. 

God, our loving Heavenly Father, wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. He always listens to us when we pray. Daily prayer can bless you, your family, and those you pray for. It can also invite more peace into your life, help you learn more about God's plan for you, and more. In this period of advert prayers can help us to be more united with God and always doing His wishes and not to be carried away by the feastive period of advent. 

Praying in this season of advent will help you develop a good relationship with God and draw you more closer to him. 

Prayer will help you gain understanding of God's loving nature because God is love and you will feel this love when you speak to him everyday, especially during this advent. 

Surely praying during this advent will provide answers to our problems as we are encouraged to keep our hopes high and as well awaits the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As this season of advent is filled with festivals and occasions, prayer will help us to avoid temptation and do the will of God. And also alin our will to the will of God. And don't forget that prayer will help you this period to invite the Holy spirit who is love and the greatest gift in your life and help you to live a Christ like life. 

Dear brother and sisters, the advent is here and it's time for us to take a relook on our lives and we should not be carried away by the enjoyments of the season but keep our hopes high for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Always say this prayer

Lord, send down Your Spirit to guide me during Advent this year. May the Holy Spirit help me journey closer to You and lift me up when I feel down and led me when I feel lost. I may stumble at times, but I know my ultimate journey is to draw closer to You and build Your kingdom here on earth–a kingdom that Jesus’s birth, life and death helped secure. Amen.

Thank you all for your time and attention, I remain Okwara Casmir Ugochukwu. 


Alexander, J. Neil (2013). "Advent". In Bradshaw, Paul F. (ed.). New SCM Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-33404932-6

Bingham, Joseph (1726). The Antiquities of the Christian Church. Robert Knaplock. p. 357. Retrieved 20 December 2014.

St. Gregory, bishop of Tours (1836). Histoire ecclésiastique des Francs, revue et collationnée [Ecclesiastical history of the French, reviewed and collated] (in French). Transl

ated by Guadet, J.; Taranne. 


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