Some of us here, have not experienced the level of engagement and planning which the few days before a Nigerian wedding celebration requires. It is a joyful ceremony with prospective guests full of expectations but beyond that is the marriage that follows and the moments of deep reflection carried out by the intending partners themselves. Or how about a political aspirant executing a long term campaign with its attendant travels, sleepless nights, uncountable meetings and consultations with various stakeholders. These are just a few of many examples of major aspects of our lives that require some stricter discipline, preparation and even self denial.
In the spiritual order, as Catholics we are blessed to have selected days and seasons chosen by the church to keep us spiritually sensitive. It is a very terrible presumption to feel that celebrating certain days for Christian events or persons has no spiritual necessity whatsoever. In the book of Leviticus chapter 23, the following holy days were prescribed by God himself:
1. *Sabbath*: Every seventh day (Leviticus 23:3)
2. *Passover*: On the 14th day of the first month (Leviticus 23:5-8)
3. *Unleavened Bread*: For seven days, starting on the 15th day of the first month (Leviticus 23:6-8)
4. *Firstfruits*: On the day after the Sabbath, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:9-14)
5. *Pentecost*: Fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:15-22)
6. *Trumpets*: On the first day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:23-25)
7. *Day of Atonement*: On the tenth day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:26-32)
8. *Tabernacles*: For seven days, starting on the 15th day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:33-43)
So also, in the new testament, the church through the Holy Spirit's guidance has chosen certain days to serve as "alarm clocks" to wake us from our repeated spiritual slumber.
One of the most iconic and sacred seasons is that of *LENT*. During this special period, we are actually called to spiritually purify ourselves and draw closer to God in preparation for the Easter celebration. The church as a living body of Christ offers us so many unique activities to participate in with the one goal of helping us to overcome our habitual sins, increase in holiness and draw closer to God.
Aren't you excited about being a catholic and having this grace every year to just 'slow down' and re-evaluate your life? We live in a fast paced society so if anything slows you down and makes you think more and create self awareness, it is an asset to be cherished. And it's one of the reasons why this season ticks.
The Bulwark of faith- the church has recommended three beautiful pillars we must hold on to during this period. They are popularly referred to as Prayers, Fasting and Almsgiving.
Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. You will be surprised to know that it's more about learning to listen more to him than just talking with him. Prayer will organize our relationship with the Eternal Love, Life and Truth called God. We will need to make conscious efforts to set aside prayer moments, join prayer groups if possible, replace carnal or mundane media with spiritual material, study scripture, all in a bid to open up ourselves more to the Lord who is always with us.
Fasting is the second component which represents all the measures we will put in place to put "our flesh to death". An overpampered never turns out well as a grown up most times; so much so an overpampered body that gets all it wants or desires, everywhere and every time cannot be in control of itself rather it becomes a slave to lower passions of anger, lust, greed, gluttony etc. Fasting helps us to regain our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and not as the clubhouse of the devil. It's much more than just denying our bodies various delicacies but includes sacrificing our favourite attachments which could vary from regular netflix, tiktok scanning to the thrill of a chilled bottle of beer. It must be a difficult sacrifice though should not endanger your health. The Premiere King of Israel put it perfectly when he said: "I will not offer to God what does not cost me greatly". Fasting truly helps us to love ourselves better as we begin to attain (aided by grace) a lot of control over ourselves. Yes!, if taken seriously together with prayer and maintaining a state of grace, we will see ourselves building better habits and getting holier, indeed "more wholesome". We will even become even more agreeable to society in a certain sense because we won't be a source of the vices that cause society to constantly rot and decay.
Of course, there can be no denying yourselves without channeling the opportunity cost to someone else. In economics, opportunity cost denotes or describes the benefits foregone when we make an alternative choice. Oh, how I love eating roasted fish! on most afternoons but now if I deny myself that pleasure on some days for the sake of Christ, what happens to the #1500 I use to purchase it? I could decide to share it among two friends I know who can only afford to eat once a day. I believe you understand the point now. Almsgiving is also not just about giving food and financial assistance but also giving your time, energy and any kind of resource that can alleviate human suffering.
Consider Lent as the tithe of your year which you have to give God. Remember there are 365 days and 40 to 46 days (depending on if you add Sundays during the period). A tenth is 36.5 days which is close to 40 in estimation. Be sure not to handle it like a ritual. Take it personal and see it as a time to rebuild or improve. No one embarks on a weight loss program only to return back to old sedentary or dietary habits, likewise we are entering into this moment to ensure that it's "forward ever and backwards never". After all it's the great *REHEARSAL* for *"THE GREATEST SHOW"* so let's not mess it up. I trust you won't.
God bless!
Yours in the Struggle
Mary's Boy