Some of us here, have not experienced the level of engagement and planning which the few days before a Nigerian wedding celebration requires. It is a joyful ceremony with prospective guests full of expectations but beyond that is the marriage that follows and the moments of deep reflection carried out by the intending partners themselves. Or how about a political aspirant executing a long term campaign with its attendant travels, sleepless nights, uncountable meetings and consultations with various stakeholders. These are just a few of many examples of major aspects of our lives that require some stricter discipline, preparation and even self denial. 

In the spiritual order, as Catholics we are blessed to have selected days and seasons chosen by the church to keep us spiritually sensitive. It is a very terrible presumption to feel that celebrating certain days for Christian events or persons has no spiritual necessity whatsoever. In the book of Leviticus chapter 23, the following holy days were prescribed by God himself:

1. *Sabbath*: Every seventh day (Leviticus 23:3)

2. *Passover*: On the 14th day of the first month (Leviticus 23:5-8)

3. *Unleavened Bread*: For seven days, starting on the 15th day of the first month (Leviticus 23:6-8)

4. *Firstfruits*: On the day after the Sabbath, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:9-14)

5. *Pentecost*: Fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:15-22)

6. *Trumpets*: On the first day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:23-25)

7. *Day of Atonement*: On the tenth day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:26-32)

8. *Tabernacles*: For seven days, starting on the 15th day of the seventh month (Leviticus 23:33-43)

So also, in the new testament, the church through the Holy Spirit's guidance has chosen certain days to serve as "alarm clocks" to wake us from our repeated spiritual slumber.

One of the most iconic and sacred seasons is that of *LENT*. During this special period, we are actually called to spiritually purify ourselves and draw closer to God in preparation for the Easter celebration. The church as a living body of Christ offers us so many unique activities to participate in with the one goal of helping us to overcome our habitual sins, increase in holiness and draw closer to God. 

Aren't you excited about being a catholic and having this grace every year to just 'slow down' and re-evaluate your life? We live in a fast paced society so if anything slows you down and makes you think more and create self awareness, it is an asset to be cherished. And it's one of the reasons why this season ticks.

The Bulwark of faith- the church has recommended three beautiful pillars we must hold on to during this period. They are popularly referred to as Prayers, Fasting and Almsgiving.

Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. You will be surprised to know that it's more about learning to listen more to him than just talking with him. Prayer will organize our relationship with the Eternal Love, Life and Truth called God. We will need to make conscious efforts to set aside prayer moments, join prayer groups if possible, replace carnal or mundane media with spiritual material, study scripture, all in a bid to open up ourselves more to the Lord who is always with us.

Fasting is the second component which represents all the measures we will put in place to put "our flesh to death". An overpampered never turns out well as a grown up most times; so much so an overpampered body that gets all it wants or desires, everywhere and every time cannot be in control of itself rather it becomes a slave to lower passions of anger, lust, greed, gluttony etc. Fasting helps us to regain our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and not as the clubhouse of the devil. It's much more than just denying our bodies various delicacies but includes sacrificing our favourite attachments which could vary from regular netflix, tiktok scanning to the thrill of a chilled bottle of beer. It must be a difficult sacrifice though should not endanger your health. The Premiere King of Israel put it perfectly when he said: "I will not offer to God what does not cost me greatly". Fasting truly helps us to love ourselves better as we begin to attain (aided by grace) a lot of control over ourselves. Yes!, if taken seriously together with prayer and maintaining a state of grace, we will see ourselves building better habits and getting holier, indeed "more wholesome". We will even become even more agreeable to society in a certain sense because we won't be a source of the vices that cause society to constantly rot and decay.

Of course, there can be no denying yourselves without channeling the opportunity cost to someone else. In economics, opportunity cost denotes or describes the benefits foregone when we make an alternative choice. Oh, how I love eating roasted fish! on most afternoons but now if I deny myself that pleasure on some days for the sake of Christ, what happens to the #1500 I use to purchase it? I could decide to share it among two friends I know who can only afford to eat once a day. I believe you understand the point now. Almsgiving is also not just about giving food and financial assistance but also giving your time, energy and any kind of resource that can alleviate human suffering.

Consider Lent as the tithe of your year which you have to give God. Remember there are 365 days and 40 to 46 days (depending on if you add Sundays during the period). A tenth is 36.5 days which is close to 40 in estimation. Be sure not to handle it like a ritual. Take it personal and see it as a time to rebuild or improve. No one embarks on a weight loss program only to return back to old sedentary or dietary habits, likewise we are entering into this moment to ensure that it's "forward ever and backwards never". After all it's the great *REHEARSAL* for *"THE GREATEST SHOW"* so let's not mess it up. I trust you won't.

God bless!

Yours in the Struggle 

Mary's Boy


 Sometimes, I wonder the kind of self that I possess. The self has to be who I am, but then it tends to be an obstacle to my progress in spirituality. Let us make an introspect to discover how the battle going on with us is with the self, the world and the devil.

            The enemy called the self is one of the three enemies amidst the devil and the world. It is the decisive chamber for sins and righteousness. For every resolution I make, the self had the will in making it, for everyone I break, the self influenced by the devil and the world took the decision to break them. The will power here to even write down these things, to make or break habit, create or destroy lies here. The power therefore needs to be submitted to another will above the self, that is the divine will which is never enforced on me. God ensures He discloses his will, his laws at the tablet of my heart, makes His grace sufficient for me but then the decision to follow or choose to decline it is within the self, yourself, myself, ourselves, we, me, you, us. Within the self, we make decisions with our free will, but when we are trapped in willful sin, we choose too separate our will from God’s will.

St. Paul will say that after wanting to go the right track, he sees himself falling backward, doing things not planned. The self is weak because the will power is weak. The power of God is at work even in our weakness. Let not the self be overshadow it. Lets take in new self and forsake the old.

The Catechism 1037 teaches, “God predestines no one for hell, for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end. The self is subject to fall, it is weak. The bible says that the key for boost is to willfully pray always and taking on the new self of Christ (new life). A powerful self is that which prays unceasingly, it lets and allows God to take charge and control, the weak nature of man makes him prefer to choose the counsel of the enemy and the language of the world instead of the word of God.

The Devil

The 1st letter of St. Peter 5:8-9a says, “stay sober and alert, your opponent the devil is prowling like a lion looking for someone to devour, resist him, solid in your faith. Also, Matt 4:10 Jesus rebukes Satan who came to tempt him, “Begone Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and Him alone you shall serve (Deut. 6:13). St. James also asks us in James 4:7 to be subject to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you, Verse 8 says “come close to God and he will come close to you.

Following the story of Job, we see that the devil was given power to put men to the test and the self of Job was not weakened by the torment inflicted on him to fail God or put him to shame. He was blessed for his perseverance which as we see was not contributed by the riches he had but a gift of God which he had developed by giving God the glory even in hard times, and trusting him that he knows the reason for his turbulent situation. Have you accommodated the counsel of others (put by the enemy) to fail God, have you due to the deception of vain glory from the devil beclouded the will and weaken the self to fail God? Take counsel from the power of the word which says we should beware, stay alert, those things we see and hear, no matter how attractive they are, if they have evil tenets, we have the power to say “begun Satan, get behind me, for your ways are not God’s and you stand as a stumbling block to my progress. Begone, for the word of God has said, thou shall not live on bread alone, but from the word that come out of the mouth of God.” Stay alert, for the devil will not rest until he sees it to your downfall, but then your consistency and steadfast trust in God will prevail. He will flee from you. Don’t relax when you fall, remember that even when the devil goes, he brings seven more powerful demons, that means you need more prayer. When you resolve not to sin again, the devil resolves to tempt you with stronger hand and you know, he is actually going to make you fall if you rely on your strength alone, but by the grace and efforts you put, your will is secured and set to act freely not to succumb to the strategies and influence of the devil again this tough time, you receive the pleasure of having made God proud, certainly like Jesus, angels will come and attend to you, there will be rejoicing in heaven, same goes to when you give up your old self  of sin and put on the new self of righteousness, with amour of faith, anchor of the hope in Christ and the salvation and redemption through the mercy of our redeemer Jesus Christ who foretold that in this world, we will have many trials but assures us that he has overcome the world. This will lead us to the last enemy the world.

The World

The world will persecute you, but fear not, for I have overcome the world. When we speak of the world, we speak not of it with respect to its original state for God created the world and saw that it was good. As time went on, God repented of having created the world and all on earth (Gen 6:7) He saw that the world has been corrupted by sin. Consequently, he reduced the life span of man. He sent flood to destroy the world and also felt the tower of babel. The flow and order in the mind of God for creating the world has been altered. The devil while tempting Jesus showed Him the glories of the kingdom and cities of this world, and called it his, promising to will them over to him if he should bow down and worship him. (Matt 4:8) Jesus came to redeem thee world and turn back the hearts of the world to God. The world it is who will uphold abortion, gay marriage, murder, sexual sins, corruption, bribery, cheating, infidelity, immodest dressing, drunkenness, malice, slander, pride, sloth, fear, robbery, fight, quarrel, greed, envy, detraction, incontinency, judgement, promiscuity, etc. Jesus came and went and went against the flow of the world, people thought he would be born in the household of Herod, he came through the holy and poor family of Joseph and Mary; born in a stable, had no place during his ministry, called sinners to his followers, sat and ate with sinners, blasted the hypocrites, taught his beatitude which goes against the flow, bore the cross that wasn’t his, gave out his last treasure on earth; his mother on the cross. Dt. Bernard rightly says, ‘nothing is lacking when all is given. He did not perform signs to show off power when asked to save himself on the cross, he shoed that day that the greatest force is love and not power and authority. He came to prepare us, to renew us, to consecrate us, to preserve us and to consecrate us, to prepare us and to redeem us.

Foundation once destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)

The righteous have received the spirit of adoption, not that of timidity, they are no longer the ones living, Christ is living in them, they are to fight the good fight, run the race, bent on reaching the trophy. Being in the world but not of the world. They know the difference between what the world says, how they live, which they esteem, where their lead follow and what the word of God says. What he did and asks us to do likewise. The just man thirst after righteousness, seeks pardon when he sins and prays continually for the inflow and animation of the spirit and wisdom of God to guide him amidst worldly allurement.

Church Militants we are!

Our combat is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, we are on a warfare and the battle line has been drawn from creation (Gen 3:15) ‘I will put enmity between her offspring and you!

Every new day has its battle and struggle. Dawn comes with mercy and joy (Psalm 30:5), and of course second chance to pick up our riffle again in the different struggles we are faced with. May be dealing with distractions during prayer or managing your emotions (worries, anxiety, fear, mood swing,), or need to build self-confidence, is it dealing with procrastination, crisis management, peer pressure, self-injustice, needs satisfaction, self-concept, self-image, self-worth, need for positive mindset, need for setting standard and principles, dealing with pressure and depression, is it overcoming addiction, impunctuality, poor time management, hypocrisy,

avoiding scandal and abuse, it dealing with mental cobwebs, stereotype and schema, it problem with silence and meditation, or building a healthy sexuality and spirituality, or dealing with presumption and scrupulous conscience?


When you are struggling with sin and these short comings, you are in battle, you need to accept them and then be in a sense always on duty, never found without your riffle. Here, we don’t have any other riffle than conscious effort humanly speaking, seeking professional help, spiritual direction as if our victory depends on these and then prayer spiritually speaking for we truly depend on God in whom we live, move and have our beings. In this regard of battle, St. Paul speaks of the amour of faith, the brace plate of hope, a double-edged sword of the word of God. We also need unceasing prayer, a retreat with acts of contrition, seeking peace through confession, silence and celibate solitude,  meditation, and with these we engage in battle. No wonder when Joshua was set to lead the people of Israel, the Lord demanded him to study the book of the law and meditate upon it day and night.  (Joshua 1:8) I say also that we should study not just the word of God but also our rule and constitution.


When you fall, stand up

This may sound like a game in which you have bonus life, but need to fall in order to tap from the inexhaustible fount of bonus live. This makes two impression intentionalism and the other consequentialism. We play the game intending not to fail but to win. Consequently we find ourselves falling. There is a sin of presumption, sinning after all, I will go for confession, you therefore presume God’s mercy and use it as a yard stick to remain in sin. While there are people who due to their human frailties fall into sin, feel guilt about them because it was never presumed but they find themselves giving in to sin, yet making effort to pick up again, to begin a new life in the future, promising by the help of God’s grace never to sin again. Holiness consist in struggling towards perfection, making effort as militants. You are never alone, the triumphant church which is in a state of perfection intercedes for you, the suffering church which is undergoing purification intercedes for you, the Lord sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for you, the Holy Spirit intercedes for you for you with groaning beyond human comprehension. We are members of the mystical body of Christ our head and bridegroom in communion with the saints we make one holy, catholic and apostolic church. This strikes a meaning to me, you are never alone, Christ is in you and with you.


God chose us in Christ, to be holy and blameless in his sight, he rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved son, through whom our sins our forgiven, so immeasurably generous is God’s favour to us. (Ephesians 1:3-10)


A militant is by protocol self-controlled and disciplined. They like athletes deprive  themselves so many things to keep fit and disposed for battle, therefore be aware that at your weakest point is when you should be strong, the enemy waits patiently for you at your weakest points, to some it takes an effortless gesture for them to fall, to others it takes plans, and trap. Therefore jumping over obstacles, saying no to Portipher’s wife irrespective of the appeasing and charming sight of her looks and nakedness, fight naked with the naked. St. Jose-Marie will say, don’t pretend to be strong, take flight! This takes a lot of discipline and it starts from little self-denials, fashioning that deprivation into a cross and take Christ’s lead, following his footsteps. At the garden of gethsemane, he longed to be freed from tasting the cup of suffering and death, but then he realized his Father’s will and submitted to it. Don’t think that depriving yourself of little things don’t count; from looking at that distraction during prayer, those passing by, who is opening door, who just entered the choir, that beautiful girl or lady, the free will to do this is at your disposal but then remember the Father’s will to taste after righteousness, to be faithful and trust worthy in little things. Let the devil give up trying for he knows you will never succumb. See it a duty to fast and abstain from sins against purity, pride, lust, deceit, slander, gossip, rash judgment, etc. consider all these as rubbish for the sake of knowing Christ.


Avoid Idleness and too much relaxation

The successes we have accumulated is a trap to be relaxed, to loose sight of the fact that a seven more powerful demon is launching attack and many take you unaware like thieves they are who come only to steal, kill and destroy both at the nights and days of our spiritual journey. Those empires who lost their world powers did so because they were not on guard against their enemies, they did not imagine that a sudden blow would be dealt them, some when their gates were left aopened  and unguarded, partying, celebrating their peace, and relaxing their weapons of war and suddenly they fall. Do not be off duty, take it as a responsibility to commit yourself to God and return as soon as possible to take up the cross, for calvary is near.


Take stock and Give thanks

Gratitude is an overflowing gesture of appreciation and acknowledgement of favours received. The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see. Gratitude may be the least of virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices, the greatest of which is sin. As business men in religious life who have taken holiness as a life form, there is need to be accountable, to this effect, you not only see reasons to strategize but also to make intentional prayer.  As the day draws to a close, make a spare time for you and your self before God, recollect briefly calling to mind your failings and strengths, strategize your focus on being better, working on yourself and giving God as an oblation, your weak heart and poor soul and pray for help, for from there flows actions and utterances.


Depend Solely on God

            This is one of the traits of trust and humility. To discover that God is the vine and the rock behind our structure, our foundation in whom we breathe, move and have our beings. The psalmist will say in Psalm 73 what else have I in heaven but thee? Apart from you I want nothing on earth. My body and my heart pines for you, God is my portion forever.


Be True to yourself

An unexamined life is not worth living, a saying attributed to Socrates. It is so easy to play a saint, to maintain the image outside. The true test of integrity is maintaining the image when no one is watching. So I ask myself, am I being authentic, or do I live a double life? Once I am true to myself and full of humility and acceptance, it is then that change and re-conversion can take effect.




As Nigerians, we are often characterized by our resilience, our vibrancy, and our ability to bounce back from adversity. However, one of the concerning traits that has emerged over the years is our tendency to forget critical events and lessons from our past. Today, I want to explore this phenomenon, its implications, and how we can foster a culture of remembrance that informs our future.

Historical Context:

To understand the present, we must look at our past. Nigeria has a rich history filled with significant events that have shaped our national identity. For instance, the Nigerian Civil War from 1967 to 1970 was a pivotal moment. The memories of this tragic event, which resulted in the loss of millions of lives, should serve as a constant reminder of the need for unity and peace. Yet, as time passes, the lessons of the war often fade from collective memory.

More recently, the #EndSARS protests of October 2020 brought to the forefront issues of police brutality and governance. The protests united young Nigerians across the nation and the diaspora, but just a few years later, it seems many have returned to a state of complacency. The Lekki Toll Gate incident, where peaceful protesters were shot, is a painful reminder of the cost of forgetting. 

By examining these events, we see a pattern: monumental occurrences are often reduced to mere footnotes in our history, overshadowed by the daily struggles of living in a complex society. This amnesia can lead to repeated mistakes, unresolved grievances, and a lack of accountability.


Sociopolitical Implications:

The implications of forgetting extend beyond personal memory; they seep into our sociopolitical landscape. For example, the consistent cycle of electoral violence and electoral fraud in Nigeria can partly be attributed to our collective amnesia. Each election cycle, we witness the same patterns—promises made, violence enacted, and a populace that often forgets the lessons of previous elections. 

In recent elections, such as the 2023 general elections, many voters were disillusioned by the lack of transparency and accountability from their leaders. Yet, the memory of past electoral misconduct often does not influence voter behavior as it should. Instead, many are swayed by the immediate allure of political promises, forgetting the history of unfulfilled commitments.

Moreover, our forgetfulness also affects our national development. When we forget the economic mismanagement of the past, we risk repeating the errors that have led to our current economic challenges. The ongoing struggle with inflation, unemployment, and a declining naira should remind us of the importance of fiscal responsibility and governance that prioritizes the welfare of the citizenry.


Cultural Reflections: 

Culturally, the phenomenon of forgetting raises questions about our identity as Nigerians. Our rich traditions, folklore, and oral histories are treasures that connect us to our past. However, in the hustle of modern life, many of these cultural narratives are being lost. 

Take, for instance, the stories of our heroes—both past and present. The likes of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Fela Kuti, and even contemporary figures like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie have so much to teach us about resilience and social justice. Yet, as time goes on, fewer young Nigerians seem to engage with these narratives. The result is a disconnect from our heritage and a lack of understanding of the struggles that have paved the way for our current freedoms.

In the entertainment industry, we often see that trends come and go, but the deeper messages embedded in our art and music often get overshadowed. The legacy of activism through music is evident in the works of artists who speak out against corruption and injustice. However, as new genres and trends emerge, the powerful messages behind these songs can fade from public consciousness.


The Way Forward: 

So, what can we do to combat this tendency to forget? 

First, we must prioritize education that emphasizes our history, culture, and the lessons learned from our past. Introducing curricula that focus on significant historical events, cultural heritage, and civic responsibility can empower the younger generations to engage with their identity thoughtfully.

Second, as a society, we need to foster open dialogue about our history and current issues. Platforms for discussion—be it through social media, community gatherings, or academic forums—can create an environment where people feel encouraged to share and reflect on their experiences and the lessons learned.

Finally, we should commemorate significant events with intentionality. National holidays, memorials, and public discussions around events like the #EndSARS protests can serve to keep the memory lives. 


A Call to Holiness Gerald Nwogueze, OFM, Cap.

An Article written for Minor Ministers Magazine by the Altar Servers of St. Stephen's Chaplaincy, Nkwelle Ezinaka, Aguleri Diocese. 


Throughout the passages in the scripture, there are a series of familiar stories of God’s call to holiness of life, from the laws to the prophets, culminating in Christ and extending to the apostles and the church. Indeed, the entire people of God are involved in the call and life of holiness by virtue of baptismal consecration. The call to holiness is endless; it is daily and prompt. This is because of God’s mercy and will for man’s redemption and salvation, which predestined us to be his adopted sons through Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:4-6). 

There is no time in history without a purpose; everyone was created good, with an uncommon purpose, and as carriers of divine destinies for greatness. Until the fall, man enjoyed the fullness of blessedness in God’s presence. Yet God did not abandon man to perish in his sins, ignorance, and miseries. He initiated reconciliation with man; he called Abraham our father in faith and elected Israel as his chosen nation; he called Moses and guided him to lead his people out of bondage, making a covenant with them and giving them his laws and statutes; at different points of crisis, judges and prophets of old were raised to redeem the people of Israel and communicate the mind of God to them; priests were appointed to make oblation for sins and other rituals and prayers; and kings were anointed to govern the people and protect them from their enemies. In the fullness of time, God sent his son to be born of David’s line, born of a woman and born under the law, to redeem those under the law so that we might receive adoption to sonship. (Gal 4:4). He was pleased to redeem us in Christ, that all through responding to his call to holiness, we might trace back our path to eternal salvation (Col. 1:19). 

The Church was commissioned to take the good news to the ends of the earth, with the gift of the Holy Spirit as teacher, enabler, and sanctifier. The church, according to the penny catechism, has four marks by which we may know her: she is one, she is holy, she is catholic, and she is apostolic. The life of the church has holiness at its core, and the entire church, both suffering and triumphant, with Christ as head and bridegroom, is united in inspiring, enhancing, encouraging, and sustaining the holiness of the sinful but striving militant holy church. Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Exhortation on The Call to Holiness in Today’s World, sees holiness as “the most attractive face of the church.” To him, we are not alone in the pursuit of holiness. 

The Call, Caller, and Called: An ongoing Invitation 

A call can be seen from different perspectives. Its literal sense could mean a shout or a cry, a signal, or a request for the attention of the caller. Every call, when intended, could be seen to have three ingredients: the call, the caller, and the caller. The call consists of the signal, the message or mission, and aids to the mission. Some calls are mysterious and padded with lots of eventualities, both favorable and otherwise. The biblical call follows some familiar patterns: the call, the response, the mission, and aids to the mission. You can see this in the likes of Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Jeremiah, etc. God, who foresees and masterminds all, calls and puts the called on the path of response. Within the clouds of the unknown, the called find purpose, meaning, and mission in life. Furthermore, Ambrose Agu rightly describes the ongoing nature of God’s call in his Responding to the Divine Call: “God calls; He has never stopped calling men and women to cooperate in his design for salvation... God speaks, but people often do not hear him. People do not often hear him because God speaks in the depths of one’s very being, in a gentle whispering voice." 

A Call to Holiness 

Holiness is often interchanged with perfection in the synoptic gospels; however, I prefer to distinguish the former from the latter. Perfection is being spotless, pure, and impeccable. It is a state in which nothing is lacking—that is, one hundred percent. This is the state of the triumphant church, those who have been purged and found worthy to see God. Holiness, on the other hand, I argue, is an ongoing endeavor towards perfection. What does holiness consist of? To the prophet Michah, it is acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly before God (Mich 6:8). I hold the saying, “No one is perfect, but someone is holy." You cannot be perfect without being holy, just as you can be holy without being perfect. Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more (Rom. 5:20). As far as we are finite beings and grace abounds for us, holiness consists in rising after falling, making an effort each day to overcome sin, and doing good to others, for God’s will for us is our sanctification (1 Thess 4:3). The summit of holiness is after the example of Christ, thus summarized in the beatitudes. At its core, according to Pope Francis, “holiness is experiencing, in union with Christ, the mysteries of his life. It consists in uniting ourselves to the Lord’s death and resurrection.” Also, according to Pope Benedict XVI in his Insegnamenti VII, “Holiness is nothing other than charity lived to be full... the measure of our holiness stems from the stature that Christ achieves in us, to the extent that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we model our whole life to His.” 

Everyone is Called to be Holy. 

Each saint, according to Pope Francis, “is a mission, planned by the Father to reflect and embody at a specific moment in history a certain aspect of the gospel”. The call the caller addresses to us is simply, “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16; Lev. 11:44). You too are called every one, each in his or her own unique way, as Lumen Gentium 11 puts it. Pope Francis, emphasizing this, cautions that there are saintly examples of the saints that we are only meant to admire but not emulate, so as not to deviate from our unique call or specific path. The important thing is that each believer discerns his or her own path. Are you called to the priesthood and consecrated life? Be holy by living out your commitment with joy. Are you called to serve God in lay ministries as altar servers, churchwarden, lector, choir, pious association and organization, committee, etc.? Be holy by being dedicated and cheerful when serving God. Are you called to the marital life? Be holy by loving and caring for your husband or wife as Christ does his church, bringing up your children in the ways of the Lord. Are you a worker, both public and self-employed? Be holy by laboring with integrity and skill in the service of your brothers and sisters. Are you in a position of authority? Be holy by working for the common good and renouncing personal gain, etc. 

Signs of Holiness in Today’s World 

Today’s world is reeling from one crisis to another, from a global pandemic to economic uncertainties, political and social turmoil, war, and natural disasters, to mention but a few. Coming down to Nigeria with the latest hunger outcry, hardship, insecurity, unemployment, high cost of living, etc. We are saddled with a great sense of anxiety, distrust, and pain, which makes this topic relevant and prompt. This holiness that the Lord calls you and I will grow through small gestures. At the same time, it is not a bed of roses or an easy adventure. Life presents challenges and obstacles, making it a battle and a war worth fighting. This battle consists of constant conversion and a daily effort to be steadfast. There are five signs outlined by Pope Francis, which include: 

Perseverance, Patience, and Meekness: We are called to be counterexamples against the flow of evil. The only way is through the virtues of perseverance, patience, and meekness. 

Joy and Sense of Humor: Saints are happy people even amidst tribulation, persecution, and pain. The effects of charity are joy, and so we are called to be charitable and loving. 

Boldness and Passion: Holiness is not timidity; it is also parrhesia, or courage, which is a seal of the Holy Spirit that testifies to the authenticity of our preaching and faith. 

In Community: Growth in holiness is a journey made with others. When we are apart from others, it is difficult to fight the snares and temptations of the devil, the world, and ourselves. 

In Constant Prayer: Holiness is sustained by prayer and consists of a habitual openness to the transcendent amid the concerns of daily strife and challenges. 


God wills us to be holy, and this is intrinsically tied to whatever we are or do as a mission, profession, or service. He calls you to a change of heart and constant fidelity to holiness, the only criteria for possessing heaven. Holiness, as simple as it may sound, encompasses all that is good and pleasing to God. It is not limited to Christians. God created everyone and called them good. Everyone is to return to the creator good. I will end this reflection with the words of William Grimbol in his Spirituality for Teens: “Calling is vital to spiritual life. If you fail to follow your calling, you will have failed to be the person God created you to be. You will not be fully real and fully alive.” And the words of St. Augustine: “God who made you without you cannot save you without you.” Dear reader, do you wish to attain holiness? Do you now feel a real desire to be holy? Then go to Christ. The way is encapsulated in the beatitudes (Matt. 5:3–12). 


UNITY IN DIVERSITY By; Rev. Sr Chikaodiri Jacinta Aloh. SJGS


"If we really listened to our enemies' suffering, we would no longer be enemies."~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~


Unity in Diversity: (A Worthy Journey, Not Just a Desired Outcome). 

Unity in diversity is a very old concept dating back to ancient times in both Eastern and Western old-world cultures. It is an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups. Many governments and institutions today still hold up this time-honoured concept as a worthy ideal. For example, in 1782 the US Congress adopted the motto E Pluribus Unum, meaning out of many, one. More recently, Unity in Diversity, became the official motto of the European Union in 2000.

In a world in which such terms can evoke diametrically opposed emotional reactions from different groups, it is worth taking a few moments to contemplate a modern-day meaning.


2.1 What is Unity?

First off, the word unity in this phrase does not mean uniformity, universal agreement, or even the mere tolerance of differences. It is not the blending of cultural, ethnic, or ideological differences into one. Instead, the word unity stands for oneness of purpose people pulling together in spite of differences for the greater good. 

Unity in this context hearkens back to the moral in Aesops fable, The Four Oxen and the Lion, which reads as follows: A lion used to prowl about a field in which four oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near, they turned their tails to warn another, so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling [sic] among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four.

Nonetheless, Unity in the general sense means the state of being united, joined or combined into one. It is a sense of solidarity, community or togetherness among individuals or groups. Unity refers to the state of being united into a single entity where individuals or components work together in harmony

"United we stand, divided we fall"

2.2 What is Diversity?

Diversity in the context of Unity in Diversity does not mean fragmentation. Nor does it mean providing for dissimilar people to coexist in separate camps. Quite the opposite. It is the recognition that beauty and wisdom reveal themselves in diversity that honors the dignity of each unique contributor. Diversity is not confined to affirmative action for the sake of fairness and equality. It is not an end in itself but a means to a higher purpose. In a poignant essay, Kelsey Holmes of the Greenheart Club, writes Diversity is exactly that it is people of different races, religions, nationalities, and communities coming together for a singular purpose.

Holmes goes on to say that Learning about those who are different from you in turn helps you to better understand your own culture and perspective.

2.3 Diversity Makes us Smarter

In an article written for Scientific American, Katherine Phillips makes the case that Diversity Makes Us Smarter. In her premise, she states It seems obvious that a group of people with diverse individual expertise would be better than a homogeneous group at solving complex, non-routine problems. It is less obvious that social diversity should work in the same wayyet the science shows that it does. Phillips recognizes that diversity can be complicated when she observes, What good comes from diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation? Research has shown that social diversity in a group can cause discomfort, rougher interactions, a lack of trust, greater perceived interpersonal conflict, lower communication, less cohesion, more concern about disrespect, and other problems. So, what is the upside?

The upside can be found in the adage no pain, no gain. In order to change, grow, or innovate, we must first disrupt. We must question our assumptions and beliefs. Diversity gives us the tools to think outside the box.

2.4 Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity requires that we find ways to connect in our humanity even when we are divided in our beliefs, opinions, and self-interests. Our humanity is our God-likeness, something we all possess regardless of our differences. We are unique by design, not by an accident of fate.

Admittedly, it takes effort to honor the dignity and humanity of others, particularly when they are unlike us. We must be purposeful about it. We must seek the opportunities and take the time to understand and honor the story behind the uniqueness. This is the premise and process of Dignity Dialogues. Simple tolerance is only the beginning.

Yes, here are some additional aspects of unity in diversity:

Intersectionality: Recognizing how different identities (e.g., race, gender, sexuality) intersect and impact individual experiences.

Equity: Ensuring fair treatment and opportunities for all, addressing systemic inequalities.

Inclusive leadership: Leaders who foster diversity, equity, and inclusion, creating a sense of belonging.

Cultural intelligence: Understanding and appreciating diverse cultural norms and values.

Diversity of thought: Encouraging diverse perspectives and ideas to drive innovation.

Global citizenship: Recognizing shared humanity and responsibilities across cultures and borders.

Empathy and active listening: Essential skills for building bridges across differences.

Unity in diversity is a continuous journey, requiring effort and commitment to foster inclusive environments


In words attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, life is a journey, not a destination. Likewise, Unity in Diversity is a journey, not just a desired outcome. It is in the journey that we discover beauty, creativity, and peace. Unity in Diversity brings peace even in our disagreements. It brings the power to solve the

 truly big problems of our time.

Nigeria, which way? By Sr. Maryrose Anurikristi Uche



Looking at our current situations in Nigeria, we have no option than to ask this rhetorical question: Nigeria, which way? 

Nigeria as we know, is country blessed by God with rich human and natural resources, yet, one of the poorest countries in the world. What then is our problem since God has richly blessed us? Why are we still in this level of poverty despite all our resources? Are we going to survive this country when we can barely afford basics of life? Questions like these occupies the hearts of Nigerians seeking for answers. Let’s see if we can come up with sorting words that can help us face the current situations wisely and overcome them gradually. 

Foremost, let’s find out what the problems are, because discovering the problem is already a step to its solution. 


Some key reasons why Nigeria, despite its resources has a high poverty rate include:

Poor Leadership: Weak governance, inefficiency, and lack of transparency in government institutions can hinder economic development and exacerbate poverty. Ineffective policies, lack of infrastructure, and inadequate social services can all contribute to the persistence of poverty. Election of unqualified leaders into public offices.

Corruption: Nigeria has a history of corruption at various levels of government and society. And this obstructs economic development and contributes to income inequality. 

High Cost of Living: The cost of everything in the market is nothing to write home about. At times, I wonder how parents with five children are surviving. 

Security Challenges: Nigeria has faced security challenges such as insurgency, ethnic and religious conflicts. These issues have disrupted economic activities, deterred investment, and created instability that affects the livelihoods of many Nigerians.

Population Growth: The high population growth rate can outstrip the capacity of the economy to create enough jobs and opportunities for everyone.

Over Dependence on Oil and Lack of Diversification: Nigeria's economy is heavily reliant on oil exports, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices. This dependence can hinder diversification into other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services which are essential for sustainable and inclusive growth. 

Poor Educational system: Our educational institutions are so corrupt too that education today is in a sorry state. Most people cannot afford quality education and those who have the opportunity to study focus on making good grade and not to solve any problem. Hence, we have many professors yet, our problems sit with us still.  


Brain drains: most Nigerians that ought to be instruments of developments are leaving the country in search for greener pastures.

Social Medias wahala: social media is not bad but most often, it is escalating the issue at hand thereby putting much pressure on people.

Poor Parenting 

Quick money-making mentality

Entitlement mentality


My suggestion to the way out for the rhetorical question of Nigeria, which way include:

We need to trust and trusting God that everything will be alright someday. 

We need leaders who are humane, empathetic and ready to serve the poor masses (servant leaders), no matter the tribe or religion.

Investing and developing Nigeria from Nigerians in diaspora. 

We need to have positive attitude towards the situation and awakening the giant within us. Stop complaining and seek for solution 

We need skills acquisition schemes from secondary school

Getting two or more sources of income


This current Nigeria situation is a phase that will pass away like a wind someday. Therefore, do not over think yourself or over worry yourself. Try to be happy and be content with the little you have. No matter your situation, there is someone praying to be like you, hence, your situation isn’t the worst. Moreover, there is a future you have not seen yet. Please, don’t cut short your life because of the phase, it will pass. Remember, you are not in this alone, everyone is walking with their crosses, so, do not add to what people are going through. Be kind to people with your words and attitude please. This too shall pass!

My Culture, My Pride by Favour Tukyes Bitrus

What is Culture 

Culture refers to the art, costume ,habit beliefs and values of a particular group or society.

Is the way of life of a particular people or society

You can't talk about culture without 






Art and costume 

Culture plays a vital roles in our life, It affects our day to day activities, culture defines,distinguish,and it guild and bound set of people, culture influence

 our choice

How we see things

How we react to things

 How we behave

 How we dress

How we talk

Dress and adornment 

Ritual (marriage right) 

 culture is basically a lifestyle ,so It is safe to say culture is identity 

2 Pride

We have the healthy and unhealthy pride 

Healthy pride : is a  feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's achievement.

Conscious of one's dignity

Knowing one's self worth

Unhealthy pride :the quality of being proud inordinate (unreasonable) when someone feels there's no one above him/her or he or she can never ne wrong

3 my culture my pride (my identity my pride )

"My culture my pride "is a powerful expression of the importance of one's culture and the sense of pride and identity that comes with it,it acknowledges the importance of one's cultural background, traditions and values that shape who we are and where we come from,

Is the declaration of the importance of  preserving and sharing our culture and tradition with others 

 A lot of people tend to be ashamed of their culture because of people's perspectives about their culture, some go as far as denying their culture, people are trying so hard to sound and act like the white, making people with accent feel bad,do you know why people are trying so hard to be like the white?. Is because the white are proud of their culture, people with positive pride motivate and inspire others to join them or be like them, when you're proud of your culture you Make people love your culture, you Make people want to know more about your culture,

4 Why you should be proud of your culture

Cause is your identity

For promotion 

Cause culture is beautiful and unique

Cause it give good impression about your culture

5  Why is important to promote culture

For preservation

For education

For unity

For legacy

For identity and belonging

4 How to promote culture

Educate yourself

Shate traditions

Talk about it

Social media

Community engagement

Attend cultural events 

Conclusion:  you cannot be proud of  something you don't love, first you have to accept who you are (culture) love it before you can promote it, speak your tribe when ever you have the chance to ,teach your children the importance of culture, your accent will not stop you from achieving anything, have healthy pride ,accept your culture,love your culture,and promote your culture, and most importantly respect other people culture, let's stop making people with accent feel bad .



 Some of us here, have not experienced the level of engagement and planning which the few days before a Nigerian wedding celebration require...