Nigeria, which way? By Sr. Maryrose Anurikristi Uche



Looking at our current situations in Nigeria, we have no option than to ask this rhetorical question: Nigeria, which way? 

Nigeria as we know, is country blessed by God with rich human and natural resources, yet, one of the poorest countries in the world. What then is our problem since God has richly blessed us? Why are we still in this level of poverty despite all our resources? Are we going to survive this country when we can barely afford basics of life? Questions like these occupies the hearts of Nigerians seeking for answers. Let’s see if we can come up with sorting words that can help us face the current situations wisely and overcome them gradually. 

Foremost, let’s find out what the problems are, because discovering the problem is already a step to its solution. 


Some key reasons why Nigeria, despite its resources has a high poverty rate include:

Poor Leadership: Weak governance, inefficiency, and lack of transparency in government institutions can hinder economic development and exacerbate poverty. Ineffective policies, lack of infrastructure, and inadequate social services can all contribute to the persistence of poverty. Election of unqualified leaders into public offices.

Corruption: Nigeria has a history of corruption at various levels of government and society. And this obstructs economic development and contributes to income inequality. 

High Cost of Living: The cost of everything in the market is nothing to write home about. At times, I wonder how parents with five children are surviving. 

Security Challenges: Nigeria has faced security challenges such as insurgency, ethnic and religious conflicts. These issues have disrupted economic activities, deterred investment, and created instability that affects the livelihoods of many Nigerians.

Population Growth: The high population growth rate can outstrip the capacity of the economy to create enough jobs and opportunities for everyone.

Over Dependence on Oil and Lack of Diversification: Nigeria's economy is heavily reliant on oil exports, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices. This dependence can hinder diversification into other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services which are essential for sustainable and inclusive growth. 

Poor Educational system: Our educational institutions are so corrupt too that education today is in a sorry state. Most people cannot afford quality education and those who have the opportunity to study focus on making good grade and not to solve any problem. Hence, we have many professors yet, our problems sit with us still.  


Brain drains: most Nigerians that ought to be instruments of developments are leaving the country in search for greener pastures.

Social Medias wahala: social media is not bad but most often, it is escalating the issue at hand thereby putting much pressure on people.

Poor Parenting 

Quick money-making mentality

Entitlement mentality


My suggestion to the way out for the rhetorical question of Nigeria, which way include:

We need to trust and trusting God that everything will be alright someday. 

We need leaders who are humane, empathetic and ready to serve the poor masses (servant leaders), no matter the tribe or religion.

Investing and developing Nigeria from Nigerians in diaspora. 

We need to have positive attitude towards the situation and awakening the giant within us. Stop complaining and seek for solution 

We need skills acquisition schemes from secondary school

Getting two or more sources of income


This current Nigeria situation is a phase that will pass away like a wind someday. Therefore, do not over think yourself or over worry yourself. Try to be happy and be content with the little you have. No matter your situation, there is someone praying to be like you, hence, your situation isn’t the worst. Moreover, there is a future you have not seen yet. Please, don’t cut short your life because of the phase, it will pass. Remember, you are not in this alone, everyone is walking with their crosses, so, do not add to what people are going through. Be kind to people with your words and attitude please. This too shall pass!

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