I Will Not Forsake You | Marian Amarachi Akanegbu


Marian Amarachi Akanegbu 

The word of the LORD was addressed to the prophet Isaiah at a time when the Israelites on exile in Babylon had lost hope in any source of comfort or freedom from the LORD their God. Because of their captivity in Babylon, Zion wonders “does God really care about us? To fully understand the depth of this question, it is important to review the situation of the Israelites at the time when this prophecy was made.

The people of Israel had sinned grievously against God and disobeyed his commandments, so He allowed them to be taken into exile by the Babylonians. Hence, this prophecy was a prophecy of the restoration of Jerusalem back to its lost glory.

God never goes back on His word: God has said in his word that His word would never return to him without fulfilling the purpose for which it has been sent. This means that his word shall not return to him void. He further promised His people that would leave Babylon with joy. Cf. Isaiah 55:11. Dear friends in Christ, we can personalize this message at a time like this in our world where everything seems to be in chaos and disarray, that God will surely restore Peace and serenity to our world as His thoughts are not like ours and his ways are different from ours. Cf. Isaiah 55:8

God is still God: And Yes, God is still God… no matter what happens. It may look like forever or eternity but God’s time is still the best. The LORD says to his people, “When the time comes to save you, I will show you favour and answer your cries for help.” Cf. Isaiah 49:8a. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Listen to his promise, “Jerusalem, I can never forget you! I have written your name on the palms of my hands. Cf. Isaiah 49:16. God’s word also admonishes us in psalm 46 vs. 10 to be still and know that He is Truly God. No matter the situation we are going through. His words of comfort come to us in a special way saying… I am still your God. 

God is a merciful God: Our God is a God of justice but also a merciful God. His Love for us is eternal and has no end. “For one brief moment I left you; with deep love I will take you back. I turned away angry for only a moment, but I will show you my love forever.” So says the LORD who saves you” cf. Isaiah 54: 7-8. God gets angry with us when we sin against him but His anger lasts just for a moment and His favours all through life. Like the psalmist in psalm 51, let us approach the throne of God’s mercy at the confessional whenever we offend Him.

God will never forsake us: Despite the obscene and terrible things going on in our world today. The Psalmist in psalm 115 tells us of how God operates; He is in Heaven doing whatever He wishes. Cf. psalm 115: 1-13. He will remember his people and bless everyone who honours Him.

Trust in God always: Dear friends, we are encouraged today to place all our Hope and trust in God almighty. Humans may disappoint and fail God but God will always remain faithful. Remember, he was silent when he was informed about Lazarus his dear friend but he still showed up and worked miracles. Also, Jairus daughter was ill and despite being told that the girl had died. No matter what we are passing through let us still trust God.

May Our Merciful God never forsake us! Amen.

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