WALKING IN THE LIGHT | Sr. Maryrose Uche Anurikristi


Sr. Maryrose Uche Anurikristi

Light is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. There are categorically two sources of light: the natural source and the artificial source. The Nature source of light include sun, lightening, animals like jellyfish, plants like mushrooms, insects like fireflies, stars, and moon while the artificial source of light include candle, lamp, bulb, torch, lighter, fire, frame by matches, light from phone and television. 


Light is a source of life because everything depends on light in some way. plants synthesize nutrient from sunlight and animals and humans depend on plants for survival.

The human body need to be exposed to the natural sunlight to function properly. Note that vitamin D is gotten from sunlight which is essential to human health. 

Light protect us from bad energy.

Light have a positive effect on mood.

Light can reduce emotional problems like depression.

Light can improve sleep by producing melatonin, an essential sleep hormone. 

Light improve productivity and job satisfaction.

Light improves visibility and safety.

Can you now imagine this life without light? That was why Jesus used light to describe His importance in our lives in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness” 

So, I will like to take it bit by bit.



Jesus Christ referring to Himself as the light implies that His presence, and lifestyle illumines and makes things visible, clearer and livable for others. Ways Jesus showed that He is the light of the world include:

In His Teachings: example, in his antithesis of Matthew 5, 21-48 

In his healing miracles: example, the healing of the man born blind in John 9:1-12

In his preference of the poor, rejected and condemned as a corrective measure. Example, choosing and mingling with the poor as seen in his birth, town and the case of the woman cut in adultery in John 8:1-11

In His act of love and kindness: example, feeding the hungry in Matthew 14: 13-21

In His care of his creatures as seen in Mathew 6: 25-34, thereby, making all things to partake in His love and care.

In His relationship with all even those discriminated against, as seen in the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4: 13-18

In an encounter with Him which normally changes everything positively. Example, the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5: 25-34 and summing the commandments into Love in Matthew 22: 37-40

In His presence which gives life and hope, as seen in the story of Lazarus in John 11:1-44 and the widow of Nain in Luke 6: 17- 7 :23

In His union with His father in constant prayer a seen in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18. 

In his birth, sufferings, death and resurrection.


In the second part of John 8:12, Jesus said “whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness”. Hence walking in the light implies following Christ who is the light. Therefore, walking in the light here, simply means a continuous process of striving to live as Christ lived both in words and lifestyle. The following are the ways we can walk in the light:  

Enlightening the ignorant

Bringing healing to other and to self through encouragement, affirmation and kindness.

Avoiding classification of others based on social or economic status.

Being kind to self and others

Care for others, self and creatures 

Becoming a channel of peace restoration

 Let your presence be felt positively

Always have good relationship with God through constant and effective prayers

Make your history an encouragement for other and see God’s hands in your history too.

Let your lifestyle speak and bear witness for Christ.

In conclusion, anyone who walks in Christ, walks in the light and light and darkness has no thing in common. Light disperses darkness, hence, walking in light automatically free us from all forms of all darkness. 

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