BABEL VS PENTECOST by Jeremie Tshibakenga



Jeremie Tshibakenga

In the history of the world as people, the course of time had always presented to us to reality that can help us to make a choice for the following time, the first one is about what has been done and the second what supposed to be done. In this way we find what we can do if things were done was no good. And also to learn to progress. All these came out because of the title of our topic: Babel vs Pentecost.

Babel vs Pentecost is whereby we are going to compare two reality of faith; to accept to be led by God and to hope to himself without in putting God aside. This topic also is about to understand to the maturity of the revelation and the role of the Holy Spirit, One of the three persons in God. In this topic we are going to compare Babel and Pentecost. 

However before to begin fully our topic the first point shall be first of all the clarification of concepts: Babel and Pentecost in which the point will lead us to the second point which is the opposition between Babel and Pentecost and the third one will be the disposition to receive the Holy Spirit. The character this reflexion is meditative.


Babel, when we are talking about it, we are referring to the Tower of Babel in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-9). This pericope of the Tower of Babel is talking about the beginning of the Human civilisation also in a mythic way some scholars admit that it meant to explain awhy the world’s peoples speak different languages. According to the Bible, the city was named Babel which means in Hebrew to jumble or to confuse.

According the mythic legend, a united human race speaking a single language and migrating to the land where they agree among themselves to build a city whereby they will build also a Tower with its top in the sky. They wanted to do so because they were hoping themselves instead to hope in God the Almighty; they were full of pride.

That is why, God from Heaven observing their city and tower, confounds their speech with the aim that can no longer understand each other and so that what happened. After confusing them, He scattered them around the world. So this means that Babel was a sign of division.

Pentecost, coming from the term Pentecost in Greek, means simply “fiftieth”. Furthermore, this word refers to the Jewish festival of Shavuot celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover. To avoid plenty information, let us move to early Christians. 

The Pentecost which we want to talk about is the one the narrative in Act 2 of the Pentecost. Disciples were afraid to go to preach after united together in the “upper room” and praying; the result was they were strengthening by the Holy Spirit and through these disciples were able to united people the same word of Good new and people hearing them could be able to understand that Good news in their own language each other.


Babel opposite to Pentecost is about first before to do anything what we supposed to do. The disciples were send to preach the Good News (Matt 28: 18-19) but since they were afraid after the Ascension of the Lord, they disposed to lock all the doors so that nobody will come to disturb them; this happened in Jerusalem. It is after that to gather together and they went to the upper room. In this they received the Holy Spirit. In the same charism that united them through the power of the Holy Spirit, the preach the Gospel.

Contrary to Babel; Babel was division and pride that jumbled them together but after because the purpose was not the on the unity, resulted by division and confusion. But for the disciples gathering together, they committed themselves to God and He sent them Spirit. Here we can understand now that the opposition of these two words in the sense of that the fruit of the unity for Pentecost and the fruit of division and confusion


Contrary to the people of Babel, in seeing the courage the disciples, this gives us how we can now dispose ourselves to the coming of the Holy Spirit. As a feast of obligation, Pentecost requires us for the preparation three steps of devotion. 

First of all, to work for the Unity in the same way is also an occasion if it was not a desire, to decide one thing good to do for the society; secondly to pray in imploring the support of the Holy Spirit and lastly to prepare ourselves worthily that means to go to confession so that the Spirit in founding our heart cleaned our decision will lead us to our right vocation. 

In conclusion, Babel it was a fact of development but with pride and confusion, Pentecost is about unity and to permit people to make their own decision and opinion.

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