(A Pentecost Reflection on the manifestation of the true Spirit of God against a false spirit)
Michael-Ferrer, OP.
As people of the resurrection and being regenerated into new life in Christ, our connection and relationship with God are spiritual, and not canal. It a relationship that benefits us with the Divine Truth but not falsehood. Therefore, with help from His Holy Spirit that lives in all believers, we can learn to worship God in our spirits and become the “true worshippers” that God seeks. But how can we now test and acknowledged whether such spirit is of God or from the evil one?
Importantly, the idea of “testing” or “to test” could be understood as a practice and a process of making objective judgments regarding the extent to which a thing, a system (device), or a reality meets, exceeds or fails to meet stated objectives. In simple words, it is about revealing the capability and the authenticity of something or someone. Contrary, the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains one of the titles of the Holy Spirit “Paraclete” literally as “he who is called to one’s side.” (CCC, 692) This means that the spirit can be beseeched and be made available to those who inwardly avail themselves to Him. Nevertheless, believers of Christ should not be ignorant of the fact that there are two spiritual forces surrounding us. But for the sake of Christ’s love for his redeemed ones, he has sent the Holy Spirit and many angels commanding them “to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Heb.1:14). Consequently, in the first letter of John, he identifies two different spirits. The first is called “a spirit from God,” “the Spirit of God,” and “the Spirit of Truth.” The second is identified as “the spirit of a false prophet,” “the spirit of antichrist,” and “the spirit of falsehood.” (1 John 4:1-6) The primordial function of the Spirit of God is to lead us into the eternal truth. The Holy Spirit will never deceive us or otherwise lead us astray. Instead, He will always lead us into the truth and a closer walk with God. On the contrary, the second spirit John highlighted in his letter is a deceitful spirit, a fallen spiritual being working through a false prophet or teacher whose purpose is to lead God’s children astray from the truth. This spirit may look and sound very appealing (2 Cor 11:14), but under their sheep’s skin, they are vicious wolves looking to devour the flock; you will know them by their deeds (Matt. 7:15-16).
Now, in our spiritual journey in the Lord, whenever we receive a prompting of any sort in our spirits, we need to pause and test whether it is from the Holy Spirit or from the evil one. How do we go about it? Now, we can test the spirits by asking some few quick questions.
Is this in line with God’s Word and His character?
Does this lead to the Fruit of the Divine Spirit?
Am I experiencing a supernatural peace?
Have I waited enough to ensure I am not being impulsive?
Will I be responding in love and humility?
Will this ultimately glorify God or people?
Or we can simply ask through prayers, “Holy Spirit, is this from You?”
He communicates as a still, quiet and gentle prompting
God is a self-communication Being from the beginning of creation and in the salvific history of humanity. St Thomas Aquinas posited that both the Father and the Son are one principle of the Holy Spirit (S.T, q. 36, art.4), it follows then that God as the source of all things continues to community Himself through the activities of the Holy Spirit in us. Moreover, God is spirit and He will connect with us spiritually. God’s voice is gentle, His “voice” will often feel like a gentle knock on the door of our hearts or a “knowing” in our spirits.
His promptings are always in line with the Word of God
The Holy Spirit will always convey things that are in line with God’s Word and His will for us. He bases his message on the scriptures, scriptural and teachings or sermons to “speak” to us and help us to always remember the ways of God. John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
He brings supernatural peace
God’s spirit is not a spirit of distraction and fear. We will experience a deep peace and certainty when we “hear” from the Holy Spirit.
He brings about the Fruit of the Spirit
As we heed the Holy Spirit’s promptings to follow God’s higher ways, we will be transformed in our thinking, passions and love for others. There will increasingly be the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Galatians 5:22-23.
The Spirit will never bring a sense of “heaviness”
Again, St Thomas Aquinas will say that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the higher habitus that perfect the virtues. Hence, virtue aim at the perfection of an individual by free will. Therefore, there is freedom and rejoicing when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. There is never a feeling of heaviness or sorrow (Isaiah 61:1,3). The Spirit will not cause us to feel fatigued and worn out. There is always a lightness and sense of joy.
He will never accuse or condemn us (Romans 8:1-2)
The Holy Spirit will lovingly correct and guide us but He will never accuse, blame, shame, belittle or condemn us. It is Satan, the accuser of believers, the accuser of the brethren who accuse us before God to distract our prayers. He who denounces us, not God.
He will never lead us to sin or to gratify fleshly desires (Gal. 5:17)
God is Holy and nothing unholy is found in Him. Consequently, the Holy Spirit desires to sanctify us and free us from sin. The spirit brings us closer to the Holiness of God therefore, He will never lead us to immoral desires or behaviour.
He will never cause division in the Body of Christ (Jude 1:19-20)
One of the major things the devil cannot stand is unity. He always seeks confusion. When we ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and guidance on a subject, He will deliver and confirm the same message to all who ask. There is always unity in the Spirit. He never causes confusion, conflict or division.
He will never impose rigid religiosity (2 Cor 3:17)
The Holy Spirit always brings spiritual joy and freedom. He works according to the free will of a person. He is never legalistic, stifling or rigid.
As catholics, by the virtue of the sacraments of baptism and of confirmation we have access to the Divine Spirit of God and that leads us to the truth through His Church. Nevertheless, in the course of our journey in faith, it is very needful for us availing ourselves for the true spirit of God. When this happens, we therefore we need to subject the spirit to an objective judgement by testing the spirits. There are indeed many false prophets out in the world today deceiving many children of God. We should not be victims of their deceptions. We should be vigilant and learn to recognize the spirit of these false prophets and their teachings so as not be taken in by them.
As we tune our spirits to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, we will walk in greater confidence in the Lord. He will help us to experience God’s peace, joy and hope. And may the Divine Spirit of God continue to strengthen and guide us into perfect truth, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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