Acne | Favorite Nurse Favour (FNF)


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ACNE is a condition on the skin such that the pores(i.e the tiny opening for hair follicles) become blocked with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is found both on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and genitals. Surprised about the genital aspect right? It isn’t just found on the face but on other Parts of the body as well. 

Little facts about ACNE: 

It is one of the most common of skin conditions and about 9.4% of the world’s population suffer from it. Acne commonly starts during puberty between the ages of 10 or 13, but you see, teens are not the only people that experience this skin condition. 

Teenage acne usually stay for five to ten years.

The victims of acne aren’t just teenagers even adults and some babies may have an episode of it. 

Acne occurs in both sexes. And most times it is very severe among teen boys. For adults, women are more likely than men to have mild to moderate forms of acne down into their 30s and beyond.


Using Toothpaste, Lemon Juice And Garlic Will Remove Acne.

Scrubbing Your Face So Hard Will Remove Acne.

Only teenagers suffer from Acne.

Bursting pimples makes it heal.


In the lives of most teenagers and youth acne breeds Psychosocial Impact such as Emotional Distress. Nevertheless, with the right management and treatment tips, you can get over the uncomfortable psychosocial effect.

Its important we talk about acne because to many people it can lead to other health challenges like Bulimia.

Acne can lead to scarring of the skin in a long run in most cases. Nobody really intend having a scar on their face or an part of their body. Literally people just seek to find various ways to get rid of acne.

It will amaze you to know that many adults frown when they get to see any symptoms of acne on their skin. I personally had lots of them while growing up. If you are a teen and you’ve never had one episode of acne it’s possible that when you grow older, you will have them if the triggers are present.


There are majorly six (6) types of acne

BLACKHEAD : From the name you probably might have gotten a view of what this acne looks like right? Yes. This is the black open plug/pore on the skin. This type of acne develops when the natural oil on your skin and dead skin cells build up inside a pore. As the buildup accumulates, it widens the opening of the pore and as the open pore is exposed to air, it then causes a blackhead due to oxidation. That is Oxygen from the air triggers a chemical reaction — with the material in your pore, causing it to turn black.

WHITEHEAD: This acne develops when excess oil and dead skin cells build up and block the opening of a pore of your skin and this causes a blemish that is raised and a white/flesh colored skin.

PAPULES: These are small red, tender solid bumps that are without pus and this is due to the fact that excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria got trapped inside a pore. While they start out as solid, within days it may be filled up with pus and become a pustule. 

PUSTULES: This acne is soft, red and tender and these occurs when the natural oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria get trapped inside a pore. As the pore fills with bacteria, inflammation (swelling) develops and a pimple appears

NODULES: This acne develops when a large pore is filled with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria to cause INFLAMMATION (swelling). This goes deep into the skin, this results in a large, deep lesion (injury) that may be visible on the surface of the skin if it’s inflamed

CYST: This acne contain fluid or pus, it’s the higher form of nodules and they may appear large, red, and are typically painful. Cystic acne is considered the most serious type of acne.


There are three main causes of acne and it is associated with lots of triggers. However, acne is caused when the pores of your skin become blocked with:

The Natural Oil In Your Skin: This is when the skin follicles produces very much oil.

Dead Skin Cells: The skin has the tendency to accumulate dead cells in its pores.

Bacteria: Bacteria can easily build up in the skin pore. 


In correlation with the three major causes of acne that I outlined earlier, these other factors as you read on will set a trigger for an individual to get more acne.



Certain facial skin care products.


Do well to use only mild soaps or cleansers and warm water, avoid using hot water to wash your face as much as you do.

Wash your face in a gentle manner daily and wipe with clean towel. Washing should not be more than twice a day.

Do well to avoid picking or popping and scraping pimples, doing so can make them worse and can cause inflammation and scarring.

Avoid makeup that aren’t perfect for your skin type or use water-based cosmetics that are marked as non-comedogenic.

If you can, avoid environments with high humidity that cause excessive sweating. Most times the type of body cream you use might be sensitive to sun rays and it might also trigger some bumps or inflammation.

Avoid using harsh or exfoliating scrubs.


I want you to take to heart that acne won’t live with you forever, so you don’t have to freak out when you get any. Understand that you still have hormones running through your body, so, at some point ACNE will appear, but it will reduce as time progress. Do you know even with medication acne takes up to 4-6 weeks before it will totally clear off, some might even take more time than that time before it clears off. Stay calm and understand that it will certainly clear off honestly, it will. Just stick to the ti

ps and you going to notice some difference. 

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