Turning problems to opportunity By Sr Gloria Ene Godwin, OP

        Turning problems to opportunity

   By Sr Gloria Ene Godwin, OP

key terms: 

Problems: A problem is generally considered to be a task, a situation, or person which is difficult to deal with or control due to complexity. In everyday language, a problem is a question proposed for solution, a matter stated for examination or proof.

Opportunity: it is an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something.

So many things happen in our lives that turn us off the course we were on and they may be our PROBLEMS. So many of us go through problems everyday and night. It could be health issue, school problems, family problems, vocation crises and so many others especially in the current situation of our country. Sometimes when going through all of these, we may not see the good effect of it, or we may come to realize it later because of the pain involved. Let’s take for instance the speed breaker on the road maybe seen as problem of disturbing the driving some people but it is a way of controlling high speed.

Our problem may cause us to slow down, experience stress, or give up completely in so many things but sometimes what we fail to understand is that may consider to be a problem to us may turn out to be positive changes for us or another opportunity to learn great things. Most often our problems allows us to reflect on how we could do things differently and examine what did and did not work right the first time. Our problems can also open up opportunities we did not once have before.

Let us know that some circumstance may seem to be difficult and devastating but we should never give -up rather let us try to keep a positive attitude and see those problems as opportunities. If we see from a larger perspective, it is all a learning path, and in this path, we make many mistakes and face many problems. But we should never give up, and we should be optimistic. We all find it discouraging when our conditions do not do not go with our plans and expectations. Problems occur repeatedly, and even most motivated people get discouraged.  

Some steps involved in turning problems into opportunities

  • Understanding the situation and naming the problem: This entails accepting the fact that you have a problem since we don’t have control over all the things that happen to us and also not shifting blames or looking for who to blame. 

  • Focusing on the solution, not on the problem: This means that we should focus on the solution to our problem rather than on the problem itself because it will only continue to hurt us and when we. The problem will not give us anything but the path of making the right decision and finding solution to it can open many new opportunities for us.

  • knowing the cause of the problem: This means knowing root cause of the problem so that you don’t end up wasting your time or causing more problems. 

Some opportunities gotten from our problems

  • Opportunity to pray: 1 Samuel 1:15-16 tell us the story of Hannah who is a married woman in the Bible that wanted a child but she was barren.  Her husband tried to comfort her, but it didn’t help. So, she cried out to God. In God, we find the safety and security to share all our problems, just as Hannah did. The first person we should share our problems and pains with should be God because He is our only true friend and He is always ready to answer us.

  • Opportunity to think and act right: sometimes when faced with difficult problem we tend to act right and that brings about positive changes in our lives.

  • Opportunity of getting more insight, more knowledge: we all know that no man is an island and the more we experience life the more we learn new things, we become wise and our approaches changes.

  • Opportunity to be open to anything: our problems can actually help us to be more open to face more challenges and even make us stronger.

  • Our problems can make us to be more sensitive to the needs of others.


Let us look for opportunities everywhere. Life itself provide opportunity for us to see good in all that happens to us and to rediscover our capabilities and new routes towards our vision. Let us use all our challenges as stepping stones to build the life we want because when we focus on our problems, when we only think of what is wrong , we will only see problems and fail to see opportunities. 

We are all WIPs (Works in Progress), not VIPs, and in this situation of ours, we will make many mistakes, face many problems, and things will become harsh before they become easy. So, we should never feel dejected, we should never feel discouraged, we should constantly learn from mistakes and keep improving them.

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