Sandra Anikpe, LDJ 

Today I will be telling you a little about my river of life. But before I go into it, I would like you to listen attentively, because it took me time and courage to journey on this story. My name is Sandra Anikpe, by the grace of God, I am a reverend sister in the congregation of the Little Disciples of Jesus. I am a Nigerian from Gwer West Local Government area of Benue State. 

I have been wondering about this particular problem. It seems it is an African or should I call it Nigeria's sickness? { giving birth to same sex children}. But with my little understanding or knowledge, I noticed that it is much better for a woman to birth only males, than females. Her problem comes in when she's unable to bear a male child for the family, especially when the husband doesn't want to understand that children come from God, and not women. 

Here comes my river of life. I was named in my mother's womb by my Dad before I was born. I can hear someone asking me WHY? because he was seriously, anxiously and patiently waiting for a male child after having three intelligent and beautiful daughters. But unfortunately for him and the family, I came out being a female. My problems began. I suffered rejection from my own father, he treated me like a stranger, only because I am a female child.

By God's grace, he was a wealthy man, but I suffered from untreated illness and died. But a miracle happened, on our way back, they heard me singing Psalm 118: 22- 23, " The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone, the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes" . After that incident, he developed a very strong love towards me. But unfortunately for me, it was my first and last love that I received from him. I never hated him, even when I was experiencing this, I was seriously in love with him. And the love has developed more, because I learnt alot from what I passed through.

God allowed me to go through all these, so that His name will be praised. Now I am a living testimony of His love and protection. Iam now that corner stone which the builders thought was useless and never wanted to use. That is how God's ways are, He works in mysterious ways which we don't understand. But He has good plans for all His children. He says in Jeremiah 29: 11, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future".

I am able to learn a lot in this river of life. I learnt to be diligent with some situations. I have developed a strong faith especially in situations or circumstances which are complicated. I am hardly moved by little winds, because I am strongly made by what I passed through. 

In everything, I give God the glory.


Men, please your wives are not God, they are humans like you. They feel the pain of bearing only females, please be a consolation to them, do not add to their pains.

How I Was Poisoned And The Power of God at Work BY NWOGUEZE G. IFEANYI


On that fateful day, my elder brother was preparing yam for launch, my mum was in her shop and my dad traveled. He brought some yam, oil and drinking water and went to finish up the cooking. All of a sudden I burst out in cry, vomiting blood and my brother rushed out only to see blood everywhere, (I could imagine who terrible I must have felt, I must have gone through hell and came back, O what an agony from my mouth, through my gullet down to my stomach) my brother called out for help and mum carried me (I could imagine the agony my mum went thru seeing his little angel in such a terrifying state) to meet my god-father who is a doctor in Auchi, he shouted and tried his best possible to stop my bleeding. What did he eat? "Yam and oil" my mum replied. He then asked my mum to go and check well to know if ever I ate something else. On getting home, she saw that my cup of water was dark as if malt was poured into it. She dipped her hand and touched her tongue, behold it was a sharp and coerced taste as if it was acid. She ran back to the doctor and showed him the drink. "This must be poison", he said and after they ran test on it, it was confirmed caustic soda (CaCO3). 

What! Caustic soda is white and how come the dark colour, I don't know, who did it, I don't still know because that was not the most important thing but to save my life. I was referred to Eku Baptist hospital where two white doctors swung into action and succeeded in removing my oesophagus and some damaged digestive tract. Wow it was twisted by the chemical effect, they cooked it and it opened up but not completely. I still thank God for it, what if I had died in the process of my oral operations. I was operated three times; on my tongue because I lost my saliva due to the chemical effect, on my oesophagus while bringing out and while taking it back. My mouth was always open, my food was through my nose. (Tears...) Who believe say Ify go make am, every body that knew me then seeing me now calls me a miracle boy, some begin to shed tears when they were told my story? Sometimes the thing go tire the doctors, "dem go wan give up, but God was their come back and they succeeded in the oral operation. I was just like that every day on the bed shedding tears and looking always focused on God. Dear mum, dad, uncles, aunts, siblings and all who visited me, the pain I caused you all those while was so much, but you never gave up on hope. I am alive today to be a living testimony of God's goodness, follow me thank my God, he has done me well. After three weeks of my discharge from the hospital, I had grown thin, no food could enter, I eat and pour out the food in an empty plate and for water I keep it in my mouth for long until it enter and later I say, mummy thank you. She starts crying for my condition, eating but not swallowing. We had already come back to stay at Obiaruku in Delta state, my mum was in her shop on market day when I started crying unusual cry, "it must had started again", she said, rushing out to get me I had already collapsed and later recovered again, this kept repeating itself. She cried like one who has gone mad, she took me to the house locked the door and started challenging God, that God should just come and take her life for mine, with her clothes soaked with tears, her hair unkept as she cried, my aunt came, pleading with her to open the door and this after hesitation she did by then, my critical condition calmed down and she asked my mum to bath me and said, ify shebi you go follow me go see daddy, I said yes, mummy no go follow us because she sabi cry well well abi? I said yes, she took me on the machine and asked my mum to carry me in the back cus she couldn't drive with one hand holding me. When we got to daddy's house (that's my late uncle Chief Gilbert Nwogueze) seeing me in my condition, he cried and lamented, "God I have told you to spare ify's life and take mine, I am old so please come and just take me, he is just 2 and becoming thin day by day, his skin colour has faded and has not eaten good food since 15 months, God why me! why my son". While my mum recently narrated this part of my story, I was moved to shed tears, imagine how people wished to replace my condition, how they grew lin fasting for my recovery, It got me thinking I would put it into writing and record. "no cry again" was my responds as little as I can remember to my mum and dad who at night join me in shedding tears for the pain was much in the region of my operation and the hunger was much, and all who cried while I was not crying. They felt my pains. My mum ran to Fr. Igolo and complained that she is tired, that she was referred to a native specialist, Fr. Said,"did you come to take permission from me, don't mind those people referring you to native home, darkness cannot give light only God gives light and when all things seems difficult, God comes in, this is the time when God will have to act". The man of God prayed for me. Obulu nobuyingi chim, onyekamga kosalu (if not you my God, whom shall I tell). Our neighbour, mama Obim, seeing me, knelt down and cried, "God, if this boy should get better, I would do thanksgiving in my church. Many a time, my mum and dad takes me to the chapel to pray, Rev. sisters who came to see us in the shop would shout that why shouldn't she bring me to the hospital, "sister you no go understand wetin this boy dey pass through, na long story",my mum replied. While they were still talking I exclaimed, "mummy, I wan chop banana, in their front, they brought banana and gave me, I ate and pointed at the empty plate where I poured it out, this I did until I finished the banana, I said mummy, thank you. The three sisters; Sis Chukwuemelie, fiat and the other started shedding tears, "indeed its a long story" they said and brought black stone, mixed it with milk and used spoon to give me to swallow, the first time I swallowed it and the second but the third I vomited it and that was the food that sustained me, they took me to the convent and prayed for me, the charismatic prayer group of which my mother belonged to came also and prayed for me, that was when the miracle started from. My aunt, Mrs. Benedicta Nwogueze took me as usual to her shop and placed me on the small bicycle she is selling and I started matching it and riding it round the shop, all of a sudden I cried for malt, they gave me and I drank it and swallowed, the news went to my mum that ify drank malt, my mum said, "ehen he drank it and vomited as usual" my cousin said no, he swallowed malt. "Stop kidding me", mum replied. But she said, "we even gave him gala and he ate it". As my mum hear am, she abandon every thing, pick race go see wonders wey no go end. On getting there, she saw me eating gala, she came and carried me, she couldn't believe her eyes, she started shedding tears overwhelmed with joy. As I finished the gala, I shout mummy, moi-moi, they ran to get it, finishing it, I said, fanta, finishing a bottle, my flat tummy came out and my I said, mummy, moi-moi. I ate up to 5 moi-moi that day and they stopped in order not to get me overfed. My dried salivery gland was filled with saliva and if care is not take it starts falling from my mouth. What I was deprived of was now in abundance.. What a marvelous God. That night was so peaceful, I didn't wake them up with my cries. They woke up, came and checked whether I was still breathing cus it was quite unusual that I didn't cry in the night. Seeing that I was breathing they were happy, sleep they have been missing over 15 months, wow! Shhhh don't wake him allow him to sleep. I woke up around 8am only to see people gathered and the first thing I said was moi-moi, during that period, moi-moi was my favorite, I ate like no other. I am healed, the news spread, friends and well wishers came and joined us on our thanksgiving day, carrying me on their shoulder, dancing to the music my dad composed for my recovery. The song goes like this: Unafugo ihe nna meremmo unafugo ihe nna meremmo, ozoputara ifeanyichukwu kai buniefayenuo, kai bunie afayenuo kabuniafayenu ozoputara ifeanyichukwu kaibunie afayenuo..(Have you seen what the Lord has done for me, he saved Ifeanyichukwu, let us lift his na$e higher), mama obim, my neighbour fufiled her promise and did thanksgiving for me in Baptist church, calling me a miracle boy any time she sees me, up to date. Conclusion With an everlasting love I have loved you, I have drawn you with loving kindness (Jer. 33:3);It gets me thinking, I could spread this news far and abroad, only God knows best why he kept me alive till today and if not him, I would have died. Because someone else who was 15years old suffered same thing with me but didn't make it after the open operation. I don't know where to start from in thanking God, not that am the holiest, finest and most worthy. Words alone cannot express the debt of my gratitude to God. He doesn't eat food, even if I bring the whole money in the Central Bank, it won't be enough, silver and gold comes from him, If I start writing of the good things I have received from him, the largest book will not contain it. Here is my heart, take it, its yours cus you saved it; here is my soul, take it, its yours, cus you saved it; here is my life, take it, its yours, cus you saved it. After dying for me on the cross, you still added jara by saving me from this terrible sickness caused by the evil one. How can I repay the Lord, his goodness to me, the cup of salvation I shall raise, I will call on the Lord's name (Psalm 100). The only thing I am asking o Lord, "do with me what a musician does with the harp, what a porter does with the clay and like a pen in the hands of a writer o Lord I am in your hands, use me". When others say the good things you did for them like, I can see, I can walk, I will shout and dance, I CAN EAT! I AM ALIVE! I AM A MIRACLE BOY! I AM STRONG, I CAN NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN OR BEG FOR BREAD! And that's why I will serve you till I die and will continue to testify your goodness to me....truly, my name follows me, ifeanyichukwu: there is no impossibility with God (Mark 9:23, Luke 1:37) I believe everyone has their experience to share. Thanks for reading share this with your friends and keep the testimony testified. God bless you, Amen!

Updated May 2, 2017, 5:36 AM


I am greatly indebted to Almighty God for saving my life and for his mercy and sustenance through out the period of my illness. Am also grateful to my dad and mum, Capt. Justin & Mrs. Eunice Nwogueze; my aunts, Mrs. Benedicta, Benedete & Francisca Nwogueze, Mrs. Aplonia Ibeagwam & late Mrs. Augustina Izuekere, my uncles; Late chief Gilbert Nwogueze, late Mr. Jerome Nwogeze, Sir.(Chief) S.O Nwogueze K.S.M, Eze Omenyi 1 of Aguluzigbo, my siblings; Mr. J.P Nnamdi(Bulla man, Ichie Nwogu ichie Izuegbu) Rev. Fr. J. Ekenedirichukwu C.S.Sp (Ichie Nwogu ichie ugo nabo), Engr. B. Chukwuebuka(Ichie Nwogu ichie amam), Mr. B. Chibuikem(Ichie Nwogu ichie etigbue asili), Miss. M. Adaobi (one & only), my god dad, Dr. M. Igbonazaobi, the 2 white doctors that carried out my operation, my neighbours, priests and religious; Rev. Frs. Igolo & Paul Obi, Rev. Srs. Chukwuemelie, Fiat and Flora, the charismatic prayer group, nurses, and all my relatives too numerous to mention, I believe you know yourselves for your care, prayers, sleepless nights, tears and patience until I recovered. Even though I didn't recall all these because I was just 2years old, I can still feel it, I remember telling my parents, "mummy, no cry o, I go buy u wrapper and motor car! daddy, no worry I go buy you airplane! Am still wondering, who am I that God still kept and surrounded me with wonderful people? And for those who poisoned my drinking water physically or spiritually and turned it to caustic soda, those who didn't want me to see this day, know that I shall not die, I shall live recount the deeds of the Lord (Psalm 118:17) anyway thank you for because of you I have a story to tell of how wonderful God is, His hand is upon me and he has been watching over me and did not and will not allow you to succeed, may God not kill you but make you live to see to your shame how miraculously I shall progress and actualize all my dreams and mission. Dem go dey look! I go dey go! I am indebted to you all, may God who did not let me down, reward you all with eternal life and protect you all from all your enemies IJN, amen.

Power of Story Telling 

Stories have been an integral part of human existence since time immemorial. They are more than mere words or tales; they possess a unique and transformative power that transcends generations, cultures, and languages. This power lies in their ability to captivate, connect, and change us.

1. **Captivation**: Stories have an innate ability to capture our attention. Whether it's a thrilling adventure, a heart-wrenching drama, or a thought-provoking fable, stories draw us in. They create a world in which we become emotionally invested, making us forget our surroundings and immerse ourselves in their narratives. This captivation is a testament to the storytelling's magnetic force.

2. **Connection**: Stories are the threads that weave the fabric of our shared human experience. They bridge gaps between individuals and communities, fostering empathy and understanding. When we hear or read a story, we enter the shoes of its characters, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. This empathic connection helps break down barriers, promoting unity and compassion.

3. **Change**: Stories possess the power to change us. They can challenge our beliefs, inspire us to take action, and spark personal growth. The narratives of real-life heroes overcoming adversity instill hope and resilience in us. Stories of injustice propel us to fight for a fairer world. They ignite our imagination, enabling us to envision a better future and motivating us to strive for it.

In every corner of the world, stories have shaped cultures, passed down wisdom, and provided solace in times of need. They serve as mirrors reflecting our own lives and windows into the lives of others. Through stories, we explore the human condition, grapple with complex moral dilemmas, and find answers to timeless questions.

As we embrace the digital age, the power of storytelling remains undiminished. It has found new mediums, from books and films to podcasts and social media. In a world that can often feel fragmented and divided, storytelling continues to serve as a unifying force, reminding us of our shared humanity.

In conclusion, the power of storytelling is a testament to its enduring relevance in our lives. It captivates our minds, connects our hearts, and changes our perspectives. It is a reminder that, no matter how advanced our society becomes, the art of storytelling will always hold the key to understanding, empathy, and transformation.

Bronchitis by Amarachukwu Okpunobi



Bronchitis is when the airways leading to lungs (trachea and bronchi) get inflamed and fill with mucus. Nagging cough begins as the body tries to get rid of the mucus. The cough can last two or more weeks. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a virus and goes away on its own. Chronic bronchitis never really goes away but can be managed.

What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways leading into your lungs.

When the airways (trachea and bronchi) get irritated, they swell up and fill with mucus, causing cough. The cough can last days to a couple of weeks. It’s the main symptom of bronchitis.

Viruses are the most common cause of acute bronchitis. Smoke and other irritants can cause acute and chronic bronchitis.

Types of Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection and goes away on its own in a few weeks. Most people don’t need treatment for acute bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis

One have chronic bronchitis if you have a cough with mucus most days of the month for three months out of the year. This goes on for at least two years.

If one have chronic bronchitis, you may have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

Who is at Risk of bronchitis?

Anyone can get bronchitis, but you’re at higher risk if you:

Smoke or are around someone who does.

Have asthma, COPD or other breathing conditions.

Have GERD (chronic acid reflux).

Have an autoimmune disorder or other illness that causes inflammation.

Are around air pollutants (like smoke or chemicals).


When your airways are irritated, your immune system causes them to swell up and fill with mucus. You cough to try to clear the mucus out. As long as there’s mucus or inflammation in your airways, you’ll keep coughing.


A persistent cough that lasts one to three weeks is the main symptom of bronchitis. You usually bring up mucus when you cough with bronchitis, but you might get a dry cough instead. 

Whistling or rattling sound when you breathe (wheezing).

Shortness of breath (dyspnea).


Runny nose.

Tiredness (fatigue).


 Nearly anything that irritates your airways can cause it. Infectious and noninfectious causes of bronchitis include:

Viruses. Viruses that cause bronchitis include influenza (the flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, rhinovirus (the common cold) and coronavirus.

Bacteria. Bacteria that cause bronchitis include Bordetella pertussis, Mycoplasma pneumonia and Chlamydia pneumonia.


Smoking cigarettes or marijuana (cannabis).


You get bronchitis when your airways swell up and fill with mucus. You can get the viruses and bacteria that cause bronchitis from close contact (shaking hands, hugging, touching the same surfaces) with someone who has them. You don’t have to have bronchitis yourself to pass on a virus to someone else who ends up with bronchitis.

Other irritants, like tobacco or pollutants, are in the air you breathe.

Is bronchitis contagious?

Bronchitis itself — inflammation of your airways — isn’t contagious, but the viruses and bacteria that can cause it are. For instance, if you’re sick with the flu, you might get bronchitis too. But when your friend gets the flu from you, their airways don’t get inflamed like yours did.

Is bronchitis a side effect of COVID-19?

You can get bronchitis with almost any virus, including SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The symptoms of bronchitis can be similar to COVID-19, so make sure you get tested to know which one you have. There haven’t been any studies that show that COVID-19 is any more likely to cause bronchitis than other viral illnesses.

What tests will be done to diagnose this condition?


There aren’t any specific tests to diagnose bronchitis, but you might be tested for other conditions. Possible tests include:

Nasal swab. A soft-tipped stick (swab) is used to inserted into your nose and sample collected to test for viruses, like COVID-19 or the flu.

Chest X-ray. X-ray to rule out more serious conditions. 

Blood tests. To look for infections or check your overall health.

Sputum test. Sample will be tested for signs of a virus or bacteria.

Pulmonary function tests. To test how well your lungs work.

 Treatment of bronchitis?

Note: the treatment is mostly for the symptoms 

Antiviral medications. If bronchitis is caused by the flu.

Bronchodilators. A drug that helps open your airways if you’re having trouble breathing.

Anti-inflammatory medications. Corticosteroids and other medications to reduce inflammation.

Cough suppressants. Over-the-counter or prescription cough suppressants (antitussives) may help with a nagging cough. 

Antibiotics. It’s very unlikely that you’ll be treated with antibiotics for bronchitis, unless being a bacterial.

How long are you contagious if you have acute bronchitis?

Bronchitis itself isn’t contagious, but some of its causes are. If your bronchitis is caused by a virus, you can be contagious for a few days to a week. If your bronchitis is caused by bacteria, you usually stop being contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics.


The best way to reduce your risk of bronchitis is to avoid getting sick from viruses and other causes of lung irritation. Specific ways to reduce your risk include:

Try to avoid being around other people if you or they may be sick. This is especially true in the winter months when people gather indoors.

Avoid smoke and other irritants.

If you have asthma or allergies, avoid any triggers (including pets, dust and pollen).

Run a humidifier. Moist air is less likely to irritate your lungs.

Get plenty of rest.

Eat a healthy diet.

Wash your hands often with soap and water. If you’re not able to use soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains alcohol.

Make sure you are up-to-date on flu and pneumonia vaccines.


Acute bronchitis usually isn’t serious. While frustrating, you have to wait out the symptoms for a few weeks. If you’re living with a heart condition or another breathing condition, like asthma, it could make your symptoms worse or last longer.

Chronic bronchitis can be a serious condition and might mean you have lung damage. While the damage can’t be reversed, your symptoms can be manage to help you have fewer flare-ups


If you have an ongoing condition like asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure, bronchitis might make it worse (exacerbation). 

Chiblains by Tochukwu Ikenna Uduh


Tochukwu Ikenna Uduh 

Chilblains are small, itchy swellings on the skin that occur as a reaction to cold temperatures.

They most often affect the body’s extremities, such as the toes, fingers, heels, ears and nose.

Chilblains can be uncomfortable, but rarely cause any permanent damage. They normally heal within a few weeks if further exposure to the cold is avoided.

Signs and symptoms of Chilblains

Chilblains usually develop several hours after exposure to the cold. They typically cause a burning and itching sensation in the affected areas, which can become more intense if you go into a warm room.

The affected skin may also swell and turn red or dark blue.

In severe cases, the surface of the skin may break and sores or blisters can develop. 

It's important not to scratch the skin as it can break easily and become infected.

What causes Chilblains?

Chilblains are the result of an abnormal reaction to the cold. They’re common in the UK because damp, cold weather is usual in the winter.

Some people develop chilblains that last for several months every winter.

When the skin is cold, blood vessels near its surface get narrower. If the skin is then exposed to heat, the blood vessels become wider. If this happens too quickly, blood vessels near the surface of the skin can’t always handle the increased blood flow.

This can cause blood to leak into the surrounding tissue, which may cause the swelling and itchiness associated with chilblains.

Who’s more at risk of Chilblains?

Some people are more at risk of chilblains than others.

This includes people with: Poor circulation, A family history of chilblains, Regular exposure to cold, damp or draughty conditions, A poor diet or low body weight

Lupus – a long-term condition that causes swelling in the body’s tissues

Raynaud’s phenomenon – a common condition that affects the blood supply to certain parts of the body, usually the fingers and toes

People who smoke are more at risk of chilblains as nicotine constricts blood vessels.

Chilblains can also occur on areas of the feet exposed to pressure, such as a bunion or a toe that’s squeezed by tight shoes.

Ways in Treating Chilblains

Chilblains often get better on their own after a week or two without treatment.

It may help to use a soothing lotion, such as calamine or witch hazel, to relieve itching. Your pharmacist may also be able to recommend a suitable product.

If your chilblains are severe and keep returning, speak to your GP. They may recommend taking a daily tablet or capsule of a medication called nifedipine. This works by relaxing the blood vessels, improving your circulation. 

Nifedipine can be used to help existing chilblains heal, or can be taken during the winter to stop them developing.

Ways in preventing Chilblains

If you’re susceptible to chilblains, you can reduce your risk of developing them by:

Limiting your exposure to the cold

Looking after your feet

Taking steps to improve your circulation

If your skin gets cold, it’s important to warm it up gradually. Heating the skin too quickly – for example, by placing your feet in hot water or near a heater – is one of the main causes of chilblains.

Stop smoking – nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict, which can make chilblains worse

Keep active – this helps improve your circulation

Wear warm clothes and insulate your hands, feet and legs – wearing long johns, long boots, tights, leg warmers or long socks will help, and it’s a good idea to wear a clean pair of socks if you get cold feet in bed

Avoid tight shoes and boots – these can restrict the circulation to your toes and feet

Moisturise your feet regularly – this stops them drying out and the skin cracking

Eat at least one hot meal during the day – this’ll help warm your whole body, particularly in cold weather

Warm your shoes on the radiator before you put them on – make sure damp shoes are dry before you wear them; if your feet are already cold, make sure your shoes aren’t too hot to avoid causing chilblains

Warm your hands before going outdoors – soak them in warm water for several minutes and dry thoroughly, and wear cotton-lined waterproof gloves if necessary; if your hands are already cold, make sure not to warm them up too quickly to avoid causing chilblains

Keep your house well heated – try to keep one room in the house warm and avoid drafts

If you’re diabetic, regularly check your feet (or ask someone else to do this) – people with diabetes may not be able to feel their feet and could have infected chilblains without realizing it.

Complications of chilblains

If you have severe or recurring chilblains, there’s a small risk of further problems developing, such as:

Infection from blistered or scratched skin

Ulcers forming on the skin

Permanent discolouration of the skin

Scarring of the skin

Avoiding complications of Chilblains

It’s often possible to avoid complications of chilblains by;

Do not scratch or rub the affected areas of skin

Do not directly overheat the chilblains (by using hot water, for example)

You can also help reduce your risk of infection by cleaning any breaks in your skin with antiseptic and covering the area with an antiseptic dressing. The dressing should be changed every other day until the skin heals. 

Swelling and pus forming in the affected area, Feeling generally unwell, A high temperature (fever) of 38C (100

.4F) or above, Swollen glands should be adhered to immediately.

CYSTITIS by Favourite Nurse Favour


On today’s talk, we are going to be addressing the following:

Meaning of Cystitis.

Causes of Cystitis.

Signs of Cystitis.

Ways to prevent Cystitis.

A lot of us may be familiar with this Infection called UTI, right? However, cystitis is another name for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).



CYSTITIS is an Inflammation and infection of the bladder , a clinical syndrome characterized by pain during urination, difficulty urinating with a sense of urgency and tenderness of the bladder.

It is a disease that is much more common in women than in men and this is because of the anatomy of the women . 60% of women suffer from this disease once a year. While less than 0.1% of men have this disease and when they experience such it’s mostly as a result of some complications in their systems, most often lack of circumcision and as a result of anal sex among men having sex with men.


There are different causes of cystitis. Nevertheless, 95% of the time, cystitis is as a result of a single species of Bacteria called Escherichia coli (E.coli) sometimes other bacteria may be responsible for the patients symptoms. They enter the tract commonly through the patients urethra to the bladder but can in very rare cases come via the patients blood.

Although women and men can suffer from the condition, women are more prone to the infection because their urethra and back passage are closer together making it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder. 

Causes of bacteria entering the bladder includes

wiping from back to front after going to the toilet. 

Sexual intercourse.

Using a diaphragm or using tampons.

With reference to the causes of cystitis, having certain health conditions, makes you more susceptible to having cystitis. 

The following conditions increase your risk of having it; 

Not emptying your bladder.


Cancer treatment.



 weakened immune system, using highly scented body wash and taking recreational drugs such as ketamine.  


For children, they feel generally unwell sometimes accompanied with a fever.

Stomach pain, back pain or pelvic pain.

Painful and Burning sensation while DM trying to void.

Dark, reddish, yellowish urine. That’s blood in the urine and it’s a sign the bacteria is in the urethra.

Having the urgent need to go to the toilet frequently.

Feeling like you need to pass urine but having a very low volume of urine.


Cystitis can be prevented, by following some best practice hygiene routines. This includes wiping from front to back, emptying your bladder when needed, avoiding bubble baths with a strong scent, wearing cotton underwear, washing and emptying your bladder after sexual intercourse and drinking plenty of water. 


Symptoms that continue for a long period of time and seem to be getting worse require you to visit your doctor. The NHS Choices website suggests you consult your doctor if the following occurs:-

You need to confirm that it is cystitis.

Symptoms last longer than a few days.

You suffer from it frequently.

You have blood in your urine, a temperature and pain in your side.

You are pregnant.

If you are a man with symptoms.

If your child has symptoms.


If you have been to the doctor and have been diagnosed with mild cystitis the following measures could help to ease your symptoms:

Drink plenty of water – this will flush out your bladder and make sure that your urine is diluted.

Use a hot water bottle on your stomach or between your thighs to relieve the pain.

Over the counter, anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen can also help ease the pain.


 importantly, practice proper hygiene and safe sex.

With/out Inner Strength by Nwali Theresa Ujunnwa



Before I start, I will like to bring our minds to the keywords of today's reflection, "Inner Strength."

INNER: relating to things inside. Things within; things that exist but are not easily perceived. 

STRENGTH: The quality or degree of being strong. Strength can be either physically or spiritually strong enough to carry out a given task. It can be financially or academically, etc.

There are different kinds of strength in existence but our main focus will be on the inner strength which exists but is not easily perceived


Inner strength is the possession of will-power, self-discipline, staying power, resilience, perseverance, tenacity, and fortitude to express itself as assertiveness and courage thereby gaining the ability to withstand difficulties and obstacles of life because it is like a powerful engine that drives you forward, towards accomplishments and achievement. It may also be classified or described as the major source of a man's power since its major and direct source of empowerment is the Creator himself who is the potter. It is said that a gun cannot kill a man unless the human hand is attached to it. The human hand in this proverb poses as the inner strength of the gun. So it can be said that the inner strength is the propeller/force that controls the physical strength since even the scripture says that the spirit should be in control of the physical. (Cf. Gal 5:16).   


Developing our inner strength requires that we train our willpower and self-discipline as we don't need extraordinary power to gain inner strength but our daily effort. So these are some steps needed in building our inner strength:

1. Refuse to welcome unimportant or unhealthy thoughts and desires as they distract you from creative ideas.

2. Keep to your words. 

3. Curb your desire to criticize others. 

4. Be self-aware. by this I mean you should be at home with your feelings to enable you to know what, when, why, and how it affects your life. 

5. Focus on your strength, passion, and talents, especially in difficult moments. 

6. Surround yourself with people who treat you well and have positive attitudes towards your goal. 

7. Take good care of yourself. A good diet, enough sleep, and exercise can be of great help, for relaxation of the body is inextricably linked to the relaxation of the mind. Thus, The Catechism of the Catholic Church encourages “appropriate relaxation of mind and body” for if God “rested and was refreshed” on the seventh day, man too ought to “rest” (Cf. CCC 2185 and 2172). 

8. Try as much as you can to maintain inner quietness, for, Isaiah tells us that our salvation lies in conversion and calmness, our strength in quietness and truth. (See Isa 30:15).

9. Most importantly, pray for grace as it does not require just your effort but also God's divine assistance. In fact, speaking in regard to contemplative prayer, The Catechism of the Catholic Church asserts that in prayer, “the Father strengthens our inner being with power through his Spirit”. (CCC 2714).   

NOTE: In building our inner strength we ought to focus more on the following aspects of our inner resources  

1. Capabilities: like mindfulness, emotional intelligence, resilience;

2. Positive emotions: such as gratitude, love, self-compassion;

3. Attitudes: like openness, confidence, determination;

4. Somatic inclinations: like relaxation, grit, helpfulness); and

5. Virtues: like generosity, courage, wisdom.



Inner strength enhances your self- esteem and self-control

It gives you a sense of peace and meaning

It helps us to pray well

It helps us realize our self-worth

It gives us sense of belonging in the society


Accordingly, without inner strength means lack/unavailability of the propeller/force to do anything. Then how lively is a person without it? Just as a car can't move without its engine and fuel So also, the absence of the inner strength in a man or a person is as good as the absence of life. 


First things first, can this inner strength be lost? YES. If it can be lost, it then brings us to the head topic and most crucial question of HOW CAN IT BE? 

The general cause of losing something is CARELESSNESS and that is a great disaster. 

-IGNORANCE: If this wasn't an important factor, it wouldn't be a cause/reason for people to perish (Hosea 4:6). One who does not know what he or she has can easily lose it because anything abandoned to disuse easily atrophies or become useless. 

-PRIDE: A wise man once said, "Never look down on someone or else you are admiring their shoes*. Pride kills. Thus, St. Paul advises that if anyone must boast, let it be in Christ Jesus. 

-PEER GROUP INFLUENCE: It is a fact that we all have different characteristics and the desire to fit in and belong can cause one to lose their inner strength. 

-LACK OF GUIDE: No man is an island and no one knows it all. So, there should be that one person in the life of everybody who can correct and direct their lives to avoid mistakes. 

-LACK OF WISDOM: Thus, the book of Proverb admonishes that in all our getting, we should get wisdom. 


Didn’t St. Paul admonish Timothy to fan into flame the gift of God which is in him? (Cf. 2Tim 1:6). So too, it is not just enough to cultivate this inner strength only, you should maintain and keep it alive to enable it to sustain you always. Hence, below are some ways we can maintain it.

Be Consistence in trying even when you fail

Be prayerful 

Remain yourself how unique you are in your talents and giftedness

Speak less and listen more so as to learn from those who know better

Be self-confident 

Be self-conscious 


This effect will point towards spiritual, physical and every other aspects of life. Like I rightly pointed out, the inner strength is paramount to any being and as such, the effects of its lost are terrible:

-DEPRECIATION/STUNT GROWTH: When the inner strength of a man which is the propeller of a human being is lost, there is no possibility of growing. With stunted growth depreciation sets in depreciation because in life, you are either going up or coming down. 

-LAZINESS: When there is no fuel in any machine, it can't be functional and such is applicable in the life of a man who has lost their inner strength. 

-LOSS OF RESPECT: Yes, no one respects anyone who has nothing to offer. 

-DISGRACE:-The inner strength is the force that moves man. So its loss can reduce the man to wheelbarrow which won't move or 

else forced. 

-Frustration and Death as the end point.





Today, we are going to delve into a fascinating yet perplexing topic that most, if not all of us, have experienced at some point in our lives: dizziness. Imagine standing still, and suddenly the world around you begins to spin, your balance falters, and you feel disoriented. This unsettling sensation is what we commonly refer to as dizziness. In this lecture, we will explore the causes, mechanisms, and types of dizziness, as well as its impact on our body and strategies to manage it effectively.

 I. Dizziness

Dizziness is a sensation that involves a feeling of unsteadiness, a loss of balance, or a perception that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. It's essential to note that dizziness is not a medical condition in itself; rather, it's a symptom of an underlying issue.

II. Causes of Dizziness:

1. Inner Ear Disorders: The inner ear, responsible for maintaining our balance, can be disrupted by conditions like BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), Meniere's disease, and vestibular neuritis. These conditions can lead to dizziness due to conflicts between visual and vestibular inputs.

2. Vasovagal Reactions: Sometimes, emotional stress or a sudden change in body position can trigger a vasovagal response, leading to a drop in blood pressure and dizziness. This is why some people might feel lightheaded when they stand up too quickly.

3. Anxiety and Panic Disorders: Intense anxiety or panic attacks can cause hyperventilation, altering the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and leading to dizziness and lightheadedness.

4. Dehydration and Low Blood Sugar: Inadequate fluid intake or low blood sugar levels can disrupt the brain's functioning and trigger dizziness.

5. Medication Side Effects: Certain medications, especially those that affect blood pressure or the central nervous system, can cause dizziness as a side effect. Other causes include:



Low/increased blood pressure 

Cerebral infarction (lack of blood flow to the brain) 

Motion or travel sickness

Viruses and other illnesses



III. Mechanisms of Dizziness:

Dizziness can arise from various mechanisms:

1. Vestibular System Dysfunction: Problems with the inner ear's vestibular system, responsible for balance and spatial orientation, can lead to conflicting sensory signals and dizziness.

2. Central Nervous System Issues: Disorders affecting the brainstem or cerebellum, responsible for coordinating balance and eye movements, can result in dizziness.

3. Blood Pressure Changes: Rapid drops in blood pressure, especially upon standing, can lead to inadequate blood flow to the brain, causing dizziness.


Unsteadiness or a loss of balance

A feeling of floating

Wooziness or heavy-headedness

Shortness of breath


V. Types of Dizziness:

1. Vertigo: This is a spinning sensation, where you feel like you or your surroundings are moving when they are not.

2. Presyncope: This is a feeling of almost fainting or blacking out, often associated with decreased blood flow to the brain.

3. Disequilibrium: A feeling of unsteadiness or imbalance, often caused by sensory input conflicts.

4. Non-Specific Dizziness: This includes feelings of lightheadedness or a general sense of being off-balance without a clear spinning sensation.

VI. Coping Strategies and Management:

1. Hydration and Nutrition: Staying well-hydrated and maintaining balanced blood sugar levels can help prevent dizziness.

2. Positional Exercises: Some dizziness, like BPPV, can be managed with specific head and body movements designed to reposition inner ear crystals.

3. Breathing Exercises: Learning techniques for controlled breathing can help prevent hyperventilation-induced dizziness during times of stress.

4. Medication Adjustment: If dizziness is medication-related, consult a healthcare professional to adjust the dosage or switch to an alternative.

5. Vestibular Rehabilitation: For chronic dizziness, specialized physical therapy can help retrain the brain and improve balance.

Other ways to prevent and manage dizziness are listed below:

 Getting enough sleep

 Eating good/adequate diet

Always take fruits

 Learn to manage stress

Avoid sudden change of posture or position

Yoga and tai chi

VII. Conclusion:

Dizziness is a remarkable example of how our body's intricate systems interact to maintain balance and spatial orientation. While it can be unsettling, understanding the causes, mechanisms, and strategies for managing dizziness empowers us to navigate through this sensation more effectively. If you or someone you know experiences persistent or severe dizziness, seeking medical advice is crucial to identify the underlying issue and receive appropriate treatment.

Thank you for reading. 


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