Sandra Anikpe, LDJ 

Today I will be telling you a little about my river of life. But before I go into it, I would like you to listen attentively, because it took me time and courage to journey on this story. My name is Sandra Anikpe, by the grace of God, I am a reverend sister in the congregation of the Little Disciples of Jesus. I am a Nigerian from Gwer West Local Government area of Benue State. 

I have been wondering about this particular problem. It seems it is an African or should I call it Nigeria's sickness? { giving birth to same sex children}. But with my little understanding or knowledge, I noticed that it is much better for a woman to birth only males, than females. Her problem comes in when she's unable to bear a male child for the family, especially when the husband doesn't want to understand that children come from God, and not women. 

Here comes my river of life. I was named in my mother's womb by my Dad before I was born. I can hear someone asking me WHY? because he was seriously, anxiously and patiently waiting for a male child after having three intelligent and beautiful daughters. But unfortunately for him and the family, I came out being a female. My problems began. I suffered rejection from my own father, he treated me like a stranger, only because I am a female child.

By God's grace, he was a wealthy man, but I suffered from untreated illness and died. But a miracle happened, on our way back, they heard me singing Psalm 118: 22- 23, " The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone, the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes" . After that incident, he developed a very strong love towards me. But unfortunately for me, it was my first and last love that I received from him. I never hated him, even when I was experiencing this, I was seriously in love with him. And the love has developed more, because I learnt alot from what I passed through.

God allowed me to go through all these, so that His name will be praised. Now I am a living testimony of His love and protection. Iam now that corner stone which the builders thought was useless and never wanted to use. That is how God's ways are, He works in mysterious ways which we don't understand. But He has good plans for all His children. He says in Jeremiah 29: 11, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future".

I am able to learn a lot in this river of life. I learnt to be diligent with some situations. I have developed a strong faith especially in situations or circumstances which are complicated. I am hardly moved by little winds, because I am strongly made by what I passed through. 

In everything, I give God the glory.


Men, please your wives are not God, they are humans like you. They feel the pain of bearing only females, please be a consolation to them, do not add to their pains.

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