PERSONS ARE GIFT By: Sister Immaculate Aformachukwu Ikeotuonye


Humanity and it's vast  beauty of human existence, the supreme Love and wisdom of the creator, the fulfillment of the word "let us make man in our own image and likeness" . Divine goodness of God and a precious gift of his own self. A separate gift different from all that was made or will be made, a dignified entity and the creator's Love.

What more could be compared with the person next to you?

In the beginning God made man and gave him a gift of Eve as his companion, and under God's command he obligated man to go into the world and multiple, an instruction meant to benefit man and his inhabitants. Today the human existence has not only become a beautiful structure but has equally become a vulnerable[powerful] gift to each human person ever existed or will exist.

The human person signifies the love of the creator, his Divine image, His sublime likeness, the signature of His physical appearance to man, when man fails to understand what he was made for, to portray the beautiful image and likeness of God in through his Creation. 

A divine charity [Love] greater than what any mortal can imagine. Oh, but at once this gift of persons has become a taunt on many. A prey against itself and against all around it, as in the story of Cane and Abel, who violently, out of hate and jealousy killed his beloved brother Abel. He destroyed the most precious gift of Life and the gift of his brother Abel. A story which in the later days will become a norm and slowly a culture.

This gift of persons or person to person has already been defiled and still will be defiled  by many, who out of the vices of hatred, pride, anger, gluttony, greed, lust, envy and sloth, murder or will  disassociate themselves from others. No wonder the values of every human person can easily be exchanged for a peanut, imagine Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus the greatest gift to humanity for just a 30 shekels, not even good enough for a slave. No wonder this precious gift of persons can easily be replaced by resources and wants, for wealth, prosperities and pleasures because the great substance of this gift has long been destroyed.

No more Love which first is wrapped around this gifts, and which gives even more greater value than the gift itself.

You can't do without me...

Without digging into the words of scholars, it is clear enough that we're both created for ourselves. Every gift has a unique purpose and design as could be attributed to the human person. In other words for every person we meet or commune with has within him/her a unique likeness of God and yourself.

As much as the gift of persons has greatly been emphasized on, let us also remember that some gifts are soft, hard, delicate, easily accessible and of course some are difficult to access. You as a person and gift to others can not compare or be compared with the other[s]. And therefore, the awareness of each gift of persons brought to us either by accident or intentional should by all means be carefully handled.

We understand clearly the strength and weakness of this gifts, what they are made of and the substance they uphold, we must first cherish to the brim the gift of one's self since it was said, "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME "

Imagine that no one apart from you is existing, imagine that no one is there as a companion/friend... Imagine the vastness of the world without anything of your resemblance, imagine that you existed amongst other creatures; trees, birds and other created being without a lookalike. Appreciate closely every human person around you, both  the good and the ones we consider as bad. What experience as a person gives you the privilege or benefit to cherish the gift or gifts of other persons as a gift. Have you desperately need a help or attention from someone, a relative or a friend and even an outsider whom you've never met before. This is a gift from a gift to a gift

We must recognize this gifts in moments of desolation, of depression, in good times and in bad times ...We’ve met interesting people in our lives and we're just grateful for the opportunity to have encountered them. There are some of us who have remained faithful despite the distance and the absence of visibility and has kept the friendship open, but others would simply disappear without leaving a word or trace. Friends make us happy or sad, they put smile to our faces, frowns and wrinkle lines as well when they start to be nasty once in a while. Generally, however, they are gifts to us by God.

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