Moving out of Hurts and Brokenness by bro Chita Joseph C.


 Greetings to you all our dear esteemed audience all over the globe. I welcome you to the Channel of Peace this morning, afternoon, evening, or night depending on the geographical location you are in. It is amazing having you on this platform. Today, we shall be reflecting on the topic "Moving out of Hurts and Brokenness." This topic is essential to everyone because it deals with the ontological and teleological nature of the human person. It concerns our health as it deals with an expression of our mental or psychological state in life. It addresses our lived experiences, their effects on us, and how we can manage them. Let us quickly look at the concepts of hurt and brokenness.

The concept of hurt and brokenness

 It is paramount to explicate the concepts that build up our topic for a better understanding. Often, we hear some people saying am hurt or broken! He or she hurt me! These alterations and other related ones evoke in the mind the following questions: what is hurt or brokenness? What does it feel to be hurt or broken? I mean the qualia one feels when being hurt or broken? Have you been hurt or have you hurt others? What shall one do when hurt or broken?  And many other related questions.


According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, the concept of "hurt" connotes inflicting physical pain, causing emotional pain to others, or suffering pain and grief. It is about causing damage or distress to oneself or another. While that "brokenness" means a breakdown of something, to violently separate into parts or made weak. It can also mean being crushed, sorrowful, bankrupt, or depressed. In our discourse today, both concepts are state of affairs or being where one experiences pain or depression. One is hurt when he or she suffers pain, anguish, or grief which often leads to depression or mental breakdown. In a nutshell, to be broken is to be depressed, or to be emotionally or psychologically shattered or ineffectual. Having briefly explained the two concepts, we shall consider how to manage and move away from our hurt and brokenness. 

Moving out of Hurt and Brokenness

It is one thing to be hurt or broken, and another to discover it, manage it, and move out of it. Arguably, every grown-up individual in one way or another has been hurt or hurt others at some point in life. Whether intentionally or not, directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly. However, our concern here is how to move out of such psychological entrapment or quagmire. There are myriads of ways to move out of hurt and brokenness but in this context, we shall consider the following:

Self-knowledge: I wish to ask, how much of yourself do you know? Who are you? And who do people say you are? Most of the challenges you experience today are as a result of ignorance of who you are. How many of your temperaments, problems, and gifts are you aware of? Are you hurt, if yes by whom? You need to know that you are hurt or broken, and their cause(s) to enable you to proffer solutions.

Sharing/Counselling: having been aware of your hurts and the causes, there is a need to talk about them with the trustworthy person(s) within your reach. Go for counseling for a better view of how to handle them. Be open or depose to talk about your hurt and brokenness rather than bottling them within yourself. Many have made a terrible mistakes or lost their lives because they failed to talk about their hurtness and brokenness. Or maybe they did not talk to the appropriate person(s).

Forgiveness: another thing is learning to forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness heals, it enlightens our burdens. We must know that there is a difference between forgiveness and tolerance. Please, know when to forgive and when to tolerate the other to avoid getting angry or into depression.

Reconciliation/Healing: make an effort if possible to reconcile yourself and the other. Take time to hang out, refresh yourself, or go for a retreat. Have some quiet time within yourself reflecting on your life and how better you could live. And know that there are thousands of opportunities out there to correct whatever went wrong.

Resolutions/Amendments: there is a need to make amendments. You are encouraged to make a resolution and endeavor to execute them. Try to look at the situations to know where you could have come in or help out and make plans to correct such in the future.

Boundary: you have to set boundaries, anything can not always go for the seek of your mental peace. Let there be limits to which people can come into your life or world and stick to it. This will help you guide against some mishaps in life as well as enable you to come out of any misfortune you are in at present.

Self-esteem: you need to believe in yourself, you can do it. Do not allow people to be playing on your psyche that you can not. A positive self-esteem with prudence and responsibility will prevent people from taking advantage of you. Know your self-worth and value. Stop seeking unhealthy approval or recognition, be yourself, and stop living a pretentious life. Be responsible in your dealings, and learn to say yes or no when necessary. 

Living in the present: let go, do not dwell in the past. Do not be caught in the past, rather pick out what is necessary and helpful in your past experiences to build up the presence. Please, avoid relying on or repeating the mistakes of the past. Do not allow the trauma of the past to distort your present life.

Healthy relationship: you are encouraged to build healthy relationships and avoid unhealthy ones. Try to avoid being an object of sexual gratification. Many people today are hurt, disappointed, or heartbroken because of the unhealthy relationships they keep. Please, know who you are keeping as a friend or partner. 

Creativity and Innovation: be creative and innovative with your time, talents, and resources. As a student, civil servant, entrepreneur, single or married person you need to implore the tools of creativity and innovation in all your endeavors even in your present situation. This will enable you to meet up with your goals, dreams, or aspirations. 

Why should you come out of your hurt and brokenness? 

First, for the sake of your mental health, you need to restore your mental peace. Secondly, For physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual growth. And thirdly, for maturity and balance in one's relationship with others, and a better approach to reality.

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