
I will like us to dwell on the great insight of the great King Solomon in the book of Proverbs 8:26-33 before diving into our reflection proper.

before he had made the earth, the countryside, and the first elements of the world.

When he fixed the heavens firm, I was there, when he drew a circle on the surface of the deep, when he thickened the clouds above, when the sources of the deep began to swell, when he assigned the sea its boundaries -- and the waters will not encroach on the shore -- when he traced the foundations of the earth, I was beside the master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence, at play everywhere on his earth, delighting to be with the children of men.

And now, my children, listen to me. Happy are those who keep my ways.

Listen to instruction and become wise, do not reject it.

This is a deep insight given to Solomon the King of Israel in His contemplation. He was made to understand the mind and desire of God before the creation of the world.

It has always been in the mind of God to live among men even before the creation of the entire universe. what I am trying to say is that the purpose of God sending His only son into the world is not just for the redemption of man from sin but to be with man instilling the life of God among them by teaching them as well as showing them by example using His own son to establish His kingdom on earth. 

Man was created deliberately insufficient by God in order for Him to find expression through man. Man is a combination of dust(flesh) and the spirit of God (rûaḥ 'Ĕlōhîm) and for this reason, a great war rages always between the flesh and Spirit, which makes him incapable of achieving the purpose of his existence without the help of God. 

So, this program "Emmanuel God with us" did not just start with the prophecy of prophet Isaiah and Matthew's account of the gospel but has been in the program of God before the creation of the world. God knew how He is going to make man, He also knew that we are weak and can do nothing without His help hence His program "Emmanuel God with us" as was narrated by Solomon in the book of proverbs.

This Advent I have been pondering the challenges that faced a young woman from Nazareth, likely only a teenager. Engaged to a carpenter in her hometown, Mary received a visit from an angel who told her she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and bear a son, who would be named Jesus.

After this visit by the angel, Mary faced many challenges and difficult days.

Having become pregnant out of wedlock, she would have been scorned and shunned by many in her family and religious community.

When her fiancé, Joseph, discovered that his bride-to-be was expecting a child, he “planned to dismiss her quietly” and break off their engagement. But an angel told him not to be afraid and to take Mary as his wife.

Then the very pregnant Mary had to travel with Joseph across 70 miles of rough terrain from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for the Roman census.

When they arrived in Bethlehem the only place the couple found to stay was in a stable with cows, donkeys, goats and sheep.

It was in that cramped barn, surrounded by animals, that Mary gave birth to Jesus without the benefit of a doctor or midwife.

After the trials of pregnancy and labor, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus had to flee Bethlehem for Egypt to escape the wrath of the jealous King Herod.

Mary and Joseph endured many challenges as the earthly parents of Jesus. But they didn’t endure them alone. They knew from the beginning that Emmanuel (God is with us) would carry them through those difficult and discouraging days in their lives.

We, too, live in difficult and discouraging days. Racial injustice and conflict causing death and destruction in many of our cities. Hardship as a result of bad governance, Political conflict causing deep divisions even among family members and friends. Difficulties in our spiritual lives and challenges that comes with struggles towards holiness of life.

In difficult and discouraging days like these, we need to remember that God is with us (Emmanuel), just as God was with Mary and Joseph in the midst of their challenges.

The Eucharist is God with us (Emmanuel). There are many ways Christ is present to His people and sets us free.


Christ is present to the Church…

when she prays

as she performs her works of mercy

as she moves along on her pilgrimage with a longing to reach the portals of eternal life

as she preaches, since the Gospel which she proclaims is the word of God

as she rules and governs the People of God

as she offers the Sacrifice of the Mass in His name

as she administers the sacraments

in a way that surpasses all the others. It is His presence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This presence is called “par excellence” and is thus titled “real”.


More than anywhere else we see “God with us” in the Eucharist, present in every tabernacle throughout the world. It is no mistake that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the House of Bread, for He is the Bread of Life. It is no mistake that his crib was a manger, for He would say that His flesh is real food and his blood is real drink and at the Last Supper and at every Mass He gives His flesh and blood for the life of the world. The Christmas Collect says it all, “we pray, that we may share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” It is in the Eucharist that we share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity.

Solomon's insight of God's desire to have His son among us has been fulfilled in the church and in the Eucharist, the prophecies of the prophets has come to pass in the church and in the Eucharist and deficiencies of man has been made sufficient by church and through presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

My brothers and sisters we have come to the end of today's 


Thanks and May God bless you. Amen 

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