JUSTICE AND MERCY OF GOD by Friar Kevin Malimo, OFM, Cap.


Contemplating the justice and mercy of God can lead one down a profound path of reflection. Justice, in its essence, is about fairness, equity, and the application of consequences or rewards according to one’s actions. It’s the idea that every deed, whether good or bad, has its corresponding outcome. Mercy, on the other hand, is about compassion, forgiveness, and grace extending kindness and leniency even when it's not deserved.

When we consider these qualities in the context of God, we encounter a divine paradox. On one hand, God's justice demands accountability for our actions. It reflects His holiness and righteousness, ensuring that wrongdoing doesn’t go unpunished and that righteousness doesn’t go unrewarded. This aspect of God's nature brings a sense of order and moral clarity to the universe.

Yet, alongside this justice, we find the boundless mercy of God. His mercy transcends our understanding, offering forgiveness and redemption to those who seek it. It's an expression of His love for humanity, a love so profound that it extends even to the undeserving. In God’s mercy, we find hope and the promise of a second chance, no matter how far we've strayed.

The beauty lies in the harmony of these seemingly opposing qualities within the divine nature. God’s justice ensures that wrongs are righted, while His mercy offers the opportunity for renewal and restoration. It’s a delicate balance that speaks to the depth of His wisdom and the richness of His character.

As humans, we are called to reflect these qualities in our own lives to strive for justice tempered with mercy, to seek fairness without losing sight of compassion. In doing so, we embody a glimpse of the divine and contribute to the creation of a more just and merciful world.

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