We are very familiar with the popular mandate “School na scam” In other words, education has no value or to put it education has no impact on societal development. But I ask is school really a scam? Is education of no value? Or will you also agree that education does not affect societal development?

According to Nelson Mandela, Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, countries of the world are categorized into 3 namely First world countries, second world countries and third-world countries, third-world countries other words known as developing countries, or under-developed countries, the first and second world countries one of the major attributes we see is education, education plays a tremendous role in the development of any country. On the other hand, the third-world countries is mostly characterized by high level of illiteracy, and shockingly most countries in Africa, blessed with numerous natural and human resources, falls under this category.

As a country, we have been hit by a lot of set back and challenges since the very birth of the country, the reason being that they have been a huge failure in trying to invest in education, provide good and sustainable jobs for graduates, lack of job for educated youth is one of the factors that is discouraging youth from being educated or going to school. I once entered a keke napep, the driver of the tricycle was free with me and was sharing his ordeal with me, how he is a university graduate but no job, and in other to make ends meet he has to delve into this venture. We have in one way or the other come across people who have shared similar experiences. And sometimes we begin to ask ourselves if education is impactful.


We shall be looking at ways in which education is important to societal development.

  • Education equips people with the necessary knowledge, to contribute to the development of society, because through education individuals get the right qualifications to make good decisions that will aid the development of society and contribute to the economic development of the country.

  • Education can also help improve the economy and enhance human capital and workforce, individuals who are well educated will be innovative, coming up with new ideas technological know-how, and skills for economic development. Also, the training of individuals in vocational training schools will help increase the workforce of the country.

  • Education can also bring about unity, with a high level of literacy there won’t be favoritism, because jobs will not be given based on kinsmen but on educational qualification, and with this citizens gets to work hand in hand to improve economic development of the country. It can also promote tolerance among diverse ethnic groups bringing about unity among members.

  • With a high level of education citizens will be well informed about their leaders and make the right choices during elections and not vote blindly, one of the reasons we still make the wrong choice of leadership is because the majority of the populace are atill living in stone age, high level of illiteracy and so they can easily be swayed by little token and so on.


  • The lack of educational qualification will also bring about a lack of needed knowledge and skills to impact society positively.

  • With low level of education, that will hinder the economy from growing because those put in charge will not have the necessary qualifications to improve the economy just like what we now suffer in the country.

  • With a high level of illiteracy, it will become so easy for our so-called leaders to turn us against each other bridging the gap of unity and bringing about diversity, individuals will not be able to tolerate each other, bringing about hatred and enmity among individuals.

  •   Without education, individuals find it challenging to secure well-paying jobs. This leads to high unemployment and underemployment rates, where people work in jobs that do not fully utilize their skills or pay living wages, leading to a rise in poverty level.

  •   Education, particularly for women, is closely linked to better health outcomes. Educated individuals are more likely to make informed health choices and access healthcare services. Lack of education can lead to higher rates of infant mortality, malnutrition, and preventable diseases.

  •  Countries that do not invest in education may find themselves unable to keep pace with global advancements, just like the problem we now face in our country, we are more of consuming country rather than producing.


In conclusion, education is a transformative force that drives economic development, promotes social equity, and fosters cultural development. It empowers individuals to improve their socio-economic status, contributes to national development, and promotes a more inclusive and cohesive society. By investing in education, societies can unlock the potential of their citizens, reduce inequalities, and build a foundation for sustainable development and social progress. The impact of education on societal transformation is important and making it one of the most crucial investments for any nation.

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